|| A Week of Amnesia ||

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  Keith cracked open his crusty white eyelids to come face to face with a throbbing headache. 

  He couldn't remember a thing.

  All he wanted to do was feel something... anything!

  Nothing was happening.

  "Please!" Keith's raspy voice drifted through the air. His memory had been wiped. He couldn't remember a thing. He gripped his raven hair.

  Wait. There it is.

  Keith figuratively reached out and grabbed a fistful of memories.

  They came back. 

  His childhood.

  He remembered the rain, the games, his old friends, his old clothes, and even his parents.

  But he couldn't remember high school for some reason.

  His high school days were spent at Galaxy Garrison, a flight school. That's all he knew.

  He released his hair, speaking more confidently, almost in a way of reassuring himself. "I am Keith Kogane, 21 years old. My dad was american. My mom was... gal..ran?" He paused. What's a 'Galran'? Shaking his head, he continued. "My best friend is Ace Wenston. We were both raised in... Texas. My favorite song is- what is it? Uh... wait a second, why am I talking to myself again?" He finished, breathing in. Forcibly exhaling, preforming an elongated, stressful sigh escape, he stood. 

  Almost immediately, doctors walked in. Keith made a surprised sound, wondering why there were doctors inside this room. It was... just him, right? 

Apparently, he was indeed at a doctors. They grabbed his arms and supported him out of the room. Ace and another boy rushed at him. He knew not who the other boy was. Though his aura was painfully familiar. "Ace!" Keith smiled. The other boy looked at him, a smile on his face, as though expected something. Ace glared at him. 

  Keith coked his head at the unfamiliar boy. "Who're you?" The young boy's expression looked hurt. "Keith, that isn't funny, y'know. You look too genuinely confused." He replied, letting out a subtle laugh.

  Keith heard a doctor clear her throat. All three of the men looked at her expectantly. "This boy," She gestured to Keith, "Has a bit of amnesia. According to his brain test results, all he can remember is the following; His childhood, up to the day before Galaxy Garrison." The bronze skinned boy looked broken, while Ace looked amused.

"W...wait... he doesn't r-remember me?" Lance asks, his voice beginning to crack. The young doctor slowly nodded before scurrying out of the room. Keith watched, feeling guilty while he watched the Cuban cry in the middle of the room.


Lance had never felt this way. He felt like he had just loft a family member. But the trick is, it's worse. That 'family member' that was supposedly lost was alive and well, just taunting him. It was the most dreadful feeling. Lance felt like his heart was literally being ripped in half. Like he had just been pierced with a poisoned silver knife and Keith was the one holding it. Except it was worse.

  Wiping his tears, the blue paladin shakily stood up. Keith, to his own surprise, felt extremely sorry and decided to help Lance up. At that moment, the Cuban boy looked straight (gay) into Keith's eyes. "From now on," he began, "I will protect (protecc) you." 

  Lance had a strong sense of passion in his sullen, puffy red eyes. Keith kind of liked it.


   On the way home, Lance sat right next to Keith, almost too close. The boy had meant it. He was going to protect Keith. The doctor said that Keith needed strong protection until he was better. At most, it could take him up to 5 years to remember everything. Though it was expected to only take a week, the thought of 5, shitty years without the real Keith almost made Lance want to choke up and cry again.

  Okay, maybe Lance had a small crush on him.

  Fine, a huge crush. (Almost as huge as Keith's dic--)

  Leaning down and exhaling, Lance laid on Keith's breathing chest. The Korean boy was unconscious, sleeping. The blue paladin toned in to Keith's rhythmic breathing. It was almost like a song. A song that he had composed himself.

  Little did Lance know, that Keith was part of a bigger picture, and so was he. More importantly... a human experiment.

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