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Gefällt 1.234 Personen

_Yoon;Min_ Imagine having Agust D looking at you like this I'm shaking

Alle 54 Kommentare anzeigen
Quinnie Daddy asf
ADIosmYInnocene I am officially dead can you burry me in his spit

Trololmin eww I almost vomit
Hiyoon @Trololmin wtf?
Anjalikey @Trololmin you don't deserve to look at him
Luna_sun @Trololmin if you don't delete this com and leave this place immediately, then I'll find you and kill you
Trololmin @Luna_sun if you still want to after seeing my beautiful face
Luna_sun @Trololmin I'm sure I will actually vomit seeing you
Renaspalace @Trololmin What is your problem can't you just leave this page the only thing you do since several posts is to hate what is your actual problem?!
Trololmin @Luna_sun I don't think so
Trololmin @Renaspalace I don't have a problem but I thought you don't want to discuss with a perv why do you always reply to my comments then?
Luna_sun @Trololmin simply because YOU hate on a fanpage leave her alone and delete yourself NOW
Renaspalace @Luna_sun @Trololmin Thanks luna thats exactly what I wanted to say
Trololmin @Luna_sun @Renaspalace it's my own decision if I delete myself and where I hate^^
Luna_sun @Renaspalace I think he is too stupid if he doesn't wants to stop then we just report him
Renaspalace @Luna_sun I think you are right
Trololmin @Luna_sun @Renaspalace I'm waiting then lol


Am 16.06.03, um 16:32PM

Willst du mir nicht antworten oder siehst du meine Nachricht einfach nicht?
Am 16.06.04, um 20:47PM

Ignoriere mich doch nicht-.-
Am 16.06.07, um 18:12PM

Ich gebe es bald auf, wirklich. Hab' besseres zu tun, als zu versuchen, 'ne blöde Fanseite zu spamen, bis mir der Besitzer endlich mal antwortet.
Am 16.06.08, um 15:48PM


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