Divine Guidance

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Iroh in MM

Ricki's Pov

      It was as if I was falling, but floating at the same time. There was nothing around me, but empty space. I couldn't open my eyes, and I didn't want to either. I couldn't remember exactly where I was or how I even got here. I wasn't necessarily afraid. Now that I think about it, I couldn't feel any type of emotion. All I felt was Space itself.

So there I floated/ fell. Not feeling or thinking, but just being aware of myself and the void around me. I was in this state for what felt like forever. Suddenly, I was forced awake, sitting up gasping for air. Inaudible whispers filled my ears. Breathing deep and looking frantically around my surroundings. Flashbacks of what happened previously flooded my mind. I staggered to stand on my feet while holding my head.

I had been right that wherever I was was empty and void. Just white space that seemed to go on for miles. The same hooded creatures appeared, fully encircling me. Their voices becoming louder. I kept whipping my head around scared of what they would do next. Their smokey figures billowed in the space around them. One by one each of them reached out a skeleton hand and I instantly crouched down ready for an assault.

When nothing happened, I looked up and saw that they were pointing to a white door with a scarlet doorknob that was not there before. Two of the creatures moved to the side as if saying " you may pass through". Cautiously, I walked toward the door while looking around to see if the creatures had moved an inch. They hadn't. Taking a deep breath, I turned the knob and opened the door.

 Greeted by a gold blinding light, I shielded my eyes. When I opened them again, I was in a majestical world. Filled with luscious green plains and other plant life. Very similar to the African safari plains.An Aurora light crossed the sky and  I could see many planets. Some I recognized, some I didn't.  Small orbs of light tickled my face, the best part was the feeling of peace and warmth.

"Oh my daughter, my Nahla I've waited oh soo long for you." A melodic, cheerful voice said.

I turned my attention to where the voice was coming from. A beautiful, otherworldly, black woman with bronzed skin appeared before me. Curvy and radiant, she was dressed in a billowy, emerald, silk dress that glittered like the stars above us. On her head, she wore a Ankara headwrap. I could feel the power from her presence. She looked so familiar.

" Mauyu?" I asked.

"Yes, Mauyu is one of the many names I have. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you recognized me." She answered back, smiling a brilliant.

"I don't know you that well, but my friend Casey, told me a little about you. I watch your statue all the time." I gushed, kind of nervous. Not believing I was somehow speaking to real life goddess. I had soo many questions.

"How would you like me to address you?"

"Oh, um you can call me Rickell, but most people call me Ricki. What did you mean, earlier when you called me Nahla?"

She smiled another brilliant smile and moved closer to me. Her movements were angelic it didn't look like she was walking more like floating.

"Walk with me?" she offered her hand to me.

Looking down at her hand, then looking up at her. I took her hand.

We walked through a meadow and I got hypnotized by the beautiful creatures and plant life.

"Where is this place? It so beautiful. Am I dead?" I asked bewildered.

"No you are not dead and we are in my realm in the land of Vu. Outside of your human world of Earth. Vu is a spirit world where I and other spirits and at one time other celestial beings dwell."

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