Chapter 1

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Staring up at the sky, seeing the light dance between the leaves, it was easy to forget the world changed. Seeing the smiling face beside me helped too. If I squint I swear its Durban beside me, not Jackob. Not that I wish Jed was the one to go missing, but my little brother was the only real family I had left. And I let him just slip between my fingers.

"Hey don't go there" My almost- Durban nudges me as he watches my face look into the past. I grimaced. The only problem with allowing someone so close to me allowed them to know me just like I knew myself. But this person would never betray me.

"I'm not going anywhere" I mutter, pushing myself up. Hopefully too low for him to hear, though the chuckle I hear as I stalk away proved that I was not quiet enough. I walked with quiet ease between the giant pines and birches. It's funny how if you spend enough time in a place it will begin to feel like home. Over the years of running, these beautiful forests had become our home. I can hear Jackob's quiet footsteps following me; he feels just as at home as me. I walk through the forest without really looking where I am going. I can't help it, opening that one crack to Durban has let all of my memories come flashing through. Nothing in particular, just quick memories flashing through in the time of before. Not in order, it is as if my mind was pulling them out of a hat, deciding to torture me with my entire family.

  I feel the fire through my legs and arms as I run, 10 years old, beside the tiny bike, holding it so it won't fall "Let go Anya! I've got this!" my tiny brother yells at me. I let go and slow down, watching the bike weave side to side on the sidewalk as Durban tries to get his balance. 


I hold a big warm, rough hand and the wood beneath my feet rocks slightly with his feet " Oh Onnie, it's okay! The dock is very safe" I look up at the giant beside me with his curly beard and hat that he always wore. He crouches beside me, "now darling, I have something important to tell you. You are going to have a baby brother soon." I knew this, but I wasn't supposed to. I couldn't stop the smile on my face at his mention though. I nodded and we began fishing.


"Jackob! Give that to my right this second!" I yell at my 8 year old best friend holding my book over my 6 year old smaller frame.He laughs and gives it once I start tickling him


"More threats have been given to several governments worldwide saying that they need to disband. It appears that they are from the same group that has been ushering such threats in the past weeks. No leads have been given by the police, besides the TFG signature. If any-" the anchor's voice cut as my mom turns the TV screen off. "Enough. There's no need to be worried about this group." "Lauren, we need to know everything we can! This could become-" 

I cut my dad off mid sentence as I gained control over my mind. I look around me and realize we have made it back to our makeshift camp. There is no evidence of a fire pit we had used this morning, nor was the grass disturbed. It looked as if no soul had been here. Just as it should be. I began dividing up the supplies we had gathered today alongside Jackob. Being alone together for these years has made us move in perfect synchronization. I pulled the bags of herbs out of my black pack, their strong aroma making my mouth water, reminding me how little I've eaten today. "I'll start getting dinner ready before it gets dark" Jackob said while staring at the sky. The reason we haven't been caught yet is because we've learned the best way to avoid the drones. Most people believed that night was the safest, but that was wrong. Night was the most dangerous time of the day. I looked up at Jackob, staring until his silver eyes met my brown ones. His worry was painted through his eyes even though his face and body looked at ease. I knew I didn't disguise mine so well. Jackob was my perfect person. Where I was brave and wanted to go where my impulses took me, Jackob was quiet and collected, analyzing everything and deciding the best way to go about things. If one was without the other, it was obvious neither of us would have survived for so long.

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