56. when you tell your crush you like them...

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when you tell you crush you like them,
You're going to be nervous
As hell

When you tell your crush,
That you like them, when,
You finally build up the courage,
The strength to walk up to him
Or her and finally push out,
Those words that had been
Hiding and living there

Living there in the back of your,
Throat, making a home inside of
You because the words, were not
Ever planning on coming out,
When the words, "I like you"
Makes flowers and butterflies
Throw you up,

Those flowers and butterflies,
Breathing you in and out,
Because they didn't live in you,
But you lived in it, because,
You constantly allowed
Yourself and your body,
To let these butterflies take over you

When those butterflies,
Don't hold onto the words
"I like you."
When you manage to wake up,
And brush your teeth twice,
So you can show off your,
Pearly whites, put on your
Socks and shoes, left to right

You put on that red lipstick you,
Put on that nice cologne you,
Won't stay home because you,
Are terrified of the reaction
Of your crush

No, not today, you aren't,
Staying home, you are
Walking with pride, you are
Walking with some strive,
Because you are going to
Tell your crush that you like

You walk into that class room,
Looking really nice because,
You planned this, you want
Everything to turn out right

And no, you aren't going to,
Tell that person you like them
As soon as you walk in, no,
Because rejection is still
An option and you, can't handle

Yeah you had the courage to
Say something today but no,
You don't have the courage to
Not cry because this girl or guy
Has been on your mind
All of the time,
From morning until the night

So class is almost over,
Their walking out of the door
And you speed walk fast
Over to them,
"Wait up!" You say as you run beside them

"Yes?" The person asks you as
You, sit there panting, trying to
Catch your breath, and when
You look at them, the butterflies
Take over your body, they begin
To strangle your throat

Something so small and pleasant
Became a hurricane in your body
Those flowers became a tsunami
Those words became knives and
Started cutting your throat inside

Everytime your tongue tried to
Push those boulder sentences
Out of your mouth

Blood dripping from your lips,
No one could feel that struggle,
They didn't taste the spit, or the,
Despair that spilled from your lips

They didn't get this Because,
When you tell your crush
That you like them, it isn't
Just a peice of cake, so easy to
Slice, because everything will
Turn out nice

It is hard, it is steak it is,
Something not easy to take,
Untangle these chains, rip them
Out of my tongue! I am done!
"I like you!"

You sit there waiting,
For a response and ask,
"Do you like me?"
"Of course I do! We're great friends!"

You want to tell them no,
You don't understand,
How I like the way you,
Flip your hair and you honestly
Don't care about what people
Think of you,
You are confident and it is
Truly sexy

You are smart and you are kind,
I think about you all of the time,
You don't care about looks and
You never judge a book by
It's cover, and you are a lover,
And I love that, and I meant that

But you don't say this,
You go numb your, brain goes dumb, your knees become weak,
Your finger tips feel a tingling

Your throat starts to hurt and,
Your heart feels as if it is
Going to burst, yes it hurts
He or she walks away,
And you are left with nothing
Else to say

Because when you tell your crush that you like them,
It's scary,
But at least you had gotten an answer

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