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"Ughhhh... school today... Can I just go to sleep for 5 more mins?? Yeah actually that does sound like I good idea." Jihoon mumbles while pressing his alarm clock

Unfortunately, this poor lil guy lost track of time and ended up falling asleep for another 35 minutes.

"That was a nice sleep... but what time is it now.." Jihoon thought while yawning

"FUCK!!" Jihoon yelled as he looked at the clock


"7:45?! I'M GONNA BE SO LATE!!!!"

He quickly put on his uniform which he hated with a burning passion. It was uncomfortable and the colours were just, ugly.

He ran to the kitchen, put on some toast, ran back upstairs to get his school supplies and shit, finally ran back down to the kitchen, grabbed a slice of toast and ran out the door with the slice of toast in his mouth while running to school, hoping he would get there in time. But of course, life decided to give him short legs which meant he had small steps.

After what felt like forever, he arrived at the school gates. He wasn't looking where he was going, and BOOM he bumped into a tall figure, which made him fall on the ground and his toast to fall as well.

He looked up at the tall figure, it was Soonyoung. At least he wasn't the only one late

"Sorry Soonyoung, I-"

"NO TIME FOR APOLOGIES JIHOONIE WE'RE GONNA BE MORE LATE THAN WE ALREADY ARE," Soonyoung grabs Jihoon's hand as drags him to class

Jihoon just followed him, dumbstruck. He was holding his hand.

He felt his cheeks heating up.

"Damn it Soonyoung..."


Lunch was the best time of the day. Not only because he didn't have to deal with teachers, but because he enjoyed messing around with Seungkwan and Jeonghan. They were both in his base class and sometimes Jihoon didn't bother leaving the classroom for lunch, since the assembly room was so loud.

Meanwhile, Soonyoung was in his classroom with Dino and Joshua, talking and messing around also. All six of them were really good friends, and they did talk during lunch, but since their classrooms were so far apart they were just too lazy.

Jihoon ran to the cafeteria as soon as the bell rang, buying a chicken roll before the queue became too long.

He ran back to his classroom which was up a few stairs, but tripped since he's so clumsy.

He suddenly heard two people burst out into laughter, immediately knowing who the laughter belonged to before he got up to see him.

"Jihoon, next time you should watch your step!!" Seungkwan said in between laughs

"Shut up.." Jihoon pours as he runs back to the classroom

"Ahaha, oh and by the way, Jihoon I was worried when you didn't come to school early today, I thought you were dossing* again!" Jeonghan laughed as he sat in his seat

"Why do you make it sound like I doss often? I don't!" Jihoon smacks Jeonghan

"Hey! That's not the way you're supposed to treat your hyung!" Jeonghan pouts

"I don't care!" Jihoon shouts

While Jihoon and Jeonghan were fighting, a sneaky Seungkwan took Jihoon's lunch, cause food is just amazing.

"Anyways I-"

"Where the fuck are my chicken nuggets..?!" Jihoon asks

Jeonghan and Jihoon looked up at Seungkwan, seeing him shove them into his mouth.

"Well fuck." Seungkwan mumbles as he ran out the classroom in attempt to escape Jihoon.

"HEY WAIT UP!!!" Jihoon yells angrily wanting his chicken nuggets back but too lazy to run.

"Hey Jihoon, come to my locker with me. I need to put my books back." Jeonghan asked

"Doesn't sound like I have a choice."

"Damn right you don't."

Jihoon wAlks with Jeonghan over to his locker, which was just in front of Soonyoung's class

"Damn. Your locker is so neat and tidy," Jihoon says

"Yea. Compared to yours it is.."

"Yeah, true... but it's okay! I have you to clean it up for me!"

"aAHAHA. You wish."

Suddenly Jihoon sees Soonyoung at the back of his classroom, waving at him.

Jihoon smiles as he waved back.

Then, Soonyoung blows a kiss at him, smirking.

Jihoon just stood there, not knowing if he should blow a kiss back because he was starting to feel.. embarrassed.

Well heck, he did it anyways.

"I've been meaning to ask this for a while. Is there anything going on between you and Soonyoung? Remember the sleepover when you and him were cuddling? And don't think I didn't see you blow that kiss to him!" Jeonghan asks curiously

"W-w-what?! There's nothing going on between us I swear! He's just messing
around.." Jihoon replies

"Hmpf.. whatever.." Jeonghan says not really believing him.

DOSSING - basically ditching


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