Chapter 6

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Harry’s POV


A jolt of electricity rushed through me causing my eyes to snap wide open. I was too stunned to even move for a moment.

“She’s awake!!” Someone shouted. I was stairing up at a white tiled ceiling, with a bright light shinning down on me. I blinked repeatedly in efforts to get used to the blazing light above. I tried to speak but all that came out was a groan. My body felt stiff so I couldn’t get up and have a good look around.

“He’s awake too!!” 

“HAZZA!?” Someone yelled. Was that Louis? 

“VANESSA!!!” I heard another voice. Zayn? I blinked and a pair of soft lips crashed down on mine. WHAT THE FUCK ZAYN?! I moved my weak arms and tried to push him off me with as much effort that I could muster. He pulled away and stroked my cheek, staring at me admiringly, while i in turn starred at him completely wide eyed. I didn't dare move a muscle for fear that he would suddenly do it again. Maybe if I just stay completly still he'll go away.... 

“Shhh its ok, your going to be ok!” He smiled down at me.

“Zayn...” I managed to croak out. “Zayn...why the hell...did you just kiss me?” I scrunched up my nose at the sound of my voice. It sounded weird...almost feminine.

“Shhh don’t talk Nessa. Just relax.” So I'm deffinantly hearing things....

There was a middle aged man in a white coat towering over me. I turned my head to the right and noticed that there was another white bed that was being occupied. Louis was hunched over them excitedly. Wait. I know that person. Those curls, that handsome face. HOLY SHIT.

 I bolted upright. “WHATS GOING ON!?” I shouted. My heart race was going a mile a minute and the monitor I was hooked up to started beeping out of control.

“CALM HER DOWN, SHE’S GOING INTO SHOCK.” The body next to me turned to face me in confusion. Their green eyes went wide and they let out a loud scream. 

“WHY IS MY BODY OVER THERE!?” They pointed at me. I tried to get up but was pushed down by the man in the coat. I struggled to break free.

“GET HER OUT OF THIS ROOM!” the doctor yelled referring to me.

“NO THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!” I screamed as they wheeled me out of the room. "HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?" I saw my own bodies pleading eyes, begging the same question. The nurses pushed me down the hall and I took a mental note of the room number I was just in, 320. They wheeled me into a new room filled with windows. Through the glass I caught a glimpse of my reflection. What I saw made me pass out....again.

Vanessa’s POV

Why was my body over there? What happened!? I was aching all over and I felt stiff. I lifted my arm up with a great deal of effort and saw that it was black, as if I had been rolling around in a pile of ashes. Yet thats not what made me nauseous. This wasn’t my arm. This arm was strong, much like a guys would be, and it had a lot more hair on it....I gasped and fell out of the bed unhooking myself from the monitor in the process. The man in the white coat turned his attention to me and quickly shut off the monitor. I scooted towards the wall and looked around in panic. 

“OK...we need you to get back in the bed now young man. We don’t need you hooked up to the monitor but we can’t have you walking around yet.” 

“Wha..Whats going on?” I whispered. This wasn’t my voice. The voice that came out of me was to deep to be my own....and British. Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam all looked at one another with worry.

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