Chapter 10

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Harry’s POV

I was in the middle of poking myself when there was a rhythmic tap at the door. 

“COME IN!” I yelled. Zayn poked his head in and smiled. 

“Hey gorgeous.” He walked over and placed a kiss on my forehead. That I didn’t mind, the boys and I messed around like that all the time. Its when you get to the lips is when we have a problem.

“Hey babe” I batted my eyelashes all cute like. “Watcha got behind your back?” He held out his hands revealing a bundle of roses. How original. I exaggerated a gasp.

“Zayn! You shouldn’t have!” Then I pulled him down for a tight hug. He stumbled on top of me.

“Oh...ok I’m guessing your feeling better?” He chuckled then sat with his legs stretched out in front of him next to me. 

“Much better, now that your here.” I winked.

“Feelin a bit flirty today huh?” He lifted my chin so I could see his eyes. “I missed you. You really scared me...I don’t know what I would do know...” I put a finger to his lips silencing him.

“I’m here now Zayn, perfectly fine. You guys really don’t need to worry.” I flashed a dazzling smile. “Plus I’ll be out of the hospital by tomorrow.”

“I know!” He bounced up. “Annnddd its our first show of the tour. We pushed the show back a day.” I sighed

“Yeah first show...” He looked at me confused.

“Are you nervous? I know how that feels...” He looked down at his hands. “I used to get massive stage fright but the boys would always comfort me. When I auditioned for the X Factor that was probably the scariest thing I’d ever done at the time, but it gets better trust me” He smiled.

“I’m sure I’ll manage...But its also exciting being on stage singing in front of all these people. Even though they don’t come for me its still going to be amazing. Lets just hope they don’t boo me off stage or throw carrots at me...” I giggled.

“Ha! No thats Louis. And they wont, you have an incredible voice! Why else would Simon have picked you?” 

“My gorgeous face?” I smirked.

“Well that too, but you have so much talent. One of the reasons why I love you.” He starred back at his hands sheepishly.

“Well I...Wait did you just say you love me?” I could see him blushing, but he nodded. What do I say? I can’t tell him she loves him when I have feelings for her as well. I felt jealousy boil inside me and was about to say something snarky when Vanessa’s pleading eyes from last night flashed through my mind. Damn it...I can’t let her down, as much as I want to, I cant. 

“Zayn?” He looked up to me hopeful. He reminded me of a stray puppy, just begging to be adopted. Why must this be so difficult? “I Love you too.” I managed to say with a smile. His face lit up and he grabbed my hands.

“I’m glad. I don’t want anyone else but you.” He looked into my eyes and I couldn’t help but to stare back. They were just so brown...and beautiful...and OH GOD. No. You are a straight man. He cocked his head to the side a bit looking confused.

“Vanessa...don’t you have brown eyes?” His eyebrows creased.

“Huh...what? Yeah why whats wrong?” I asked suddenly worried. 

“There green...” 

“Green? Zayn are you colorblind?” I laughed, what a joker.

“No I’m not kidding your eyes are green.” 

“Zayn I need your mirror.” I asked firmly.

“I would have it but dumb ass Harry broke it.” He rubbed his neck. “But I can’t live without a mirror as you know, so my iphone has an app for it” He grinned.

“Typical. Now hand it over.” I demanded.

“Someone’s being bossy today! Here.” He fished it out of his pocket and handed it to me. I clicked onto the app and lifted it to my face. Holy crap, he’s right. My eyes were green, almost like the color of emeralds, almost own! But then just as quick as they where there they where gone.”  

“Um...Zayn you must be seeing things! My eyes are brown see.” I turned and faced him pointing to my eyes. He squinted and leaned in closer.

“I swear they were green two seconds ago...” I shrugged. “...thats odd.” He leaned back against the headboard. 

“Anyway...What are your plans for the day?” I asked trying to move on like that didn’t just happen. Vanessa and I need to discuss that later.

“Uhh well I wanted to stay with you for a bit if thats ok? I came this close to losing you and it made me realize how short life really is...” He pulled me close so I could lay on his chest. I awkwardly obeyed. 

“Gettin all deep on me there Zayn.”

“Its true though! I can’t help but to think how lucky you two are.” I nodded. 

“Guess so.”

“By the way” He started. “ Why were you and Harry out there in the storm anyway?” I told him the lie that I had told Louis. Which he seemed to except a lot more easily.

“Seems fair enough.” He turned to me suddenly. “Look Vanessa I’m sorry I left you so early...I knew I shouldn’t have left you alone like that.” He looked away from my face ashamed. Although I don’t know what he means by saying he left Vanessa (I was sorta busy at the time *Wink*),Zayn was my friend so I wasn’t going to let him blame this on himself.

“Its no problem Zayn. Don’t blame yourself none of this was your fault.” I traced circles in his back in a comforting way like Vanessa used to do to me. 

“God I don’t know what I’d do without you...” He leaned in closer. Oh it comes. His lips connected with mine. I was tempted to shove him away but I held on just a little longer for Nessa. Then I pulled back gently and smiled. He grinned and touched foreheads with mine.

“Your Perfect.” He whispered. Ok this was to weird. I pulled out a giggle then lightly shoved him away.

“Ditto. Now I’m kinda tired...” I said. 

“Oh’ll leave then...” He got up slowly and I realized that he probably was waiting for me to ask him to stay. He looked kinda disappointed. Nah he’s fine. “I’ll check up on you later beautiful.” He smiled and I returned it with my own. “Love you...” He said quietly. Then he slipped out the door.

“LOVE YOU TOO!” I yelled after him. I think that went well I grinned to myself and folded my arms behind my head. 

When Two Worlds Collide (On Hold)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang