Chapter 11

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 AN: This is going to be the finale for this particular story, so I hope that you all think its a good one!

^_^ Enjoy, BlondSky

Chapter 11

            “If one of my own subjects knows not who I am how long must I have been gone?” she inquired looking for the first time slightly… afraid.

 “My best guess would be somewhere around 3,000 years.” Astro responded, “Every star pony knows the story of the lost queen and believes it to be true. Nopony ever stopped looking for you, but you were never found. The Abyss, this place, is generally to considered off limits. Stories were spreading and the belief that everypony who comes in doesn’t come out became commonplace. But that’s beside the point. Unfortunately in this search the star ponies led some have been caused problems.” she replied giving a slight glance to the countries. “I just couldn’t recognize you by your appearance is all.”

“I see,” she replied solemnly, “I suppose it would not do good to keep them waiting any longer. 3,000 years is certainly a long time. I trust that you all might find your way out.”

“Wait! Y-your majesty, um, we have some of the ones that were caused problems right here actually.” Astro told her, “And getting out isn’t quite so easy either.”

        She looked over at the countries in the back of the group. “You all are from a different dimension.” she stated simply. Again an exceedingly small smile came to her lips due to their surprise at her knowledge. “I am a kind of expert in these matters. I understand dimensional magic rather well, but performing it is a rather different story I’m afraid. After a good bit of recuperation and rest I would be able to send you all through, but there is more to it than that. This dimension is heavily surrounded by magic that protects it from things it sees as threats. It seems that in order to defeat the threat it saw in you it changed your form to something which it could understand and thus felt more protected from. Still, this magic only works one way and your home dimension possesses no such protection.”

“You would be able to send us back, but we would still look the way we are now.” Germany translated.

“I’m afraid so.” she confirmed apologetically, “I will of course do my best to help you, but transformation magic is extremely difficult especially seeing that there aren’t any of your species here for me to work with. I am aware of what humans look like, but that doesn’t mean I know everything about them. I will do my best of course, but even then it might take a while to develop the spell that you seek.I promise that I will do my utmost to return you to your proper form and home, but until then, unless you wish to return as you look now, you will be stuck here.”

“But there are things going on there that we need to attend to now. We can’t just let the time pass over there without us.” England argued.

“I have seen many dimensions in my time and I am aware of your importance to your own. I can return you not a moment after you left I assure you.”

“What, so you can time travel too?” America asked exasperated.

“Hardly. Different worlds have different timelines. When moving from one to the other it is simply a matter of landing at the right time.” she retorted.

“Either way we’re stuck here until you can make some spell to make us human again?” he questioned.

“Unfortunately so.” she affirmed.

        There was a clear aura of disheartenment that came about the countries as they realized that they wouldn’t be going back for a rather long time. “What’re we supposed to do then?” America asked uncertain.

“This is a whole new world for you to explore, it might not be as bad a situation as it seems. In coming here you have discovered and saved myself. I would urge you to use your time here wisely since, although it may last a fair while, it cannot last forever. Still, what you would like to do is your own decision.” she told them, “Now what was this about needing help exiting this place?” she finished looking over at Astro.

“What? Oh! Yes. Well it’s quite a ways down and we were teleported down by… well, you actually, and several parts of the path were destroyed on our way down so we don’t have a way back up and star pony teleportation is only designed to take that pony alone.” Astro responded.

“I could teleport you out, but I’m afraid I don’t know what the location that we’re teleporting to looks like.” she replied.

“I do and I can teleport!” Kara offered, “If you could lend me some magic power I could get us up there.”

        The Queen nodded her head and leaned her horn down to Kara’s. Both sparked as the transfer of energy was performed. The group gathered around the unicorn as she closed her eyes and grit her teeth in concentration. There was a flash and when the light faded they were back up by the edge of The Abyss. Kara opened her eyes feebly and mumbled, “Did it.” Not moments after however she collapsed from the exhaustion. Zone caught her and propped her up as she slowly started to recover. She had transported a large number of ponies an even greater distance and teleportation was hard enough without the extra load. Even with the extra magic power it was still just too draining.

        The Queen nodded her head to the group before starting to walk away. She halted just a few steps away and with her back to them contemplating. She looked over her shoulder to them and spoke. “Do not think that I shall soon forget what you all have done for me. I do not wish to leave you all so soon, but I have kept my ponies waiting for far too long. We will meet again, but when that will be I cannot be sure. Until that day.” she finished bowing her head to them. With her final farewell she teleported off, a zing noise resounding in her wake.

“So it seems our adventure isn’t over yet.” Germany mumbled.

“Not by a long shot.” England agreed.

“Maybe it’s not so bad, I might be able to get used to this pony thing.” America offered.

“You do realize that ponies are herbivores and what that means food wise right?” England asked him with a questioning look.

It took a moment, but then he realized what that meant.

AN: I think that I'm just gonna let that last part sort of hang there. Thank you so much to all of those who have read all the way through this! As you probably already figured out this was made to continue forward, and it will, but first I will be putting out a prequel to better establish the world in which it will be taking place. Thanks again to all of the readers!

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