Chapter 16

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Ashley's POV

I woke up still tied to that chair. My throat was dry and my eyes hurt. I felt hunger. I felt numb. My life was nothing. The only thing I loved the most, destroyed me. Isn't it funny how the things we love tear us apart?

The only thing left was surviving. How do I survive this? How do I escape? Can I? He was a killer, sick in the mind, a psychopath...simply disgusting. And I was just a victim, helpless human who has no one.

The door opened letting some light in. I closed my eyes.
My breathing was starting to get deeper and my heart racing faster. He was here.

"Good morning precious" His voice was cheerful. I could swallow my heart in fear. That was so fucking creepy.

"Time to move to a better place" He smiled innocently. I turned my head to the other side so I won't be looking at him.

"Doll! I don't want to hurt you so be good. Listen to daddy!" I gagged. I litterlay gagged when he called himself a daddy. I hated it with passion!
He was sick, I don't know what he's capable of doing. That's what scared me. He had a total control of me now, and I didn't know what he was capable of and what he could do to me.

He freed the rope from the chair but my hards were still tied up.
This is the situation where my dominance was gone, I had no control.

I could dominate every person but when it came to him my knees were going weak. Everyone would feel the same as I do. I had no choice but to follow. I wanted to live. After all...I still wanted to live.

He opened the door and pushed me into one room that was actually bright. It was decorated like a bedroom...except it had a cage. I gulped and shivered in fear.
He opened the cage. My eyes went wide.

"No, please no! Don't!" It didn't matter. My cries didn't matter to him. He was a heartless bastard.

She untied my hands and I immediately turned around to punch him but I was pushed. I fell on my butt, in the cage.

"You've fucking done it! No food or water for you today. And I thought to be nice to you but you're not getting it do you?" He yelled and locked the cage.

I couldn't hold it back. I started crying.

"Don't cry, darling. I'm still your best friend. This doesn't change anything" I looked up to see him with a psychopathic smile.

I lost it.

"You have something I want, give it to me and I'll let you go. It's that simple." He replied calmly.

"What's that?" I sobbed.

"Your love and obedience."

"Fuck you! I'd rather you kill me." I sobbed out. He got closer to the cage with a cold look on his face. He was going to kill me. This was it. I closed my eyes falling on the ground. My legs just couldn't stand.

"You're going to kill me aren't you?" That was the cold truth wasn't it?

"I don't know whether I'm going to kill you or not. You think I have that much self control? Ha! You're cute." He laughed.

"You're sick!" I stated.
He walked to the night stand and took some things. He came close again and held out a knife through the poles. I looked at him.

"I want you to take this knife and make a long, nice cut in your own skin" He smiled sweetly.

I smacked the knife away from me.
He pointed a gun towards me.
"Do it" He said smoothly.
I started shaking, I could even see my heart beating so fast.
If I don't listen to him he'll kill me, it's simple as he said.

I took the knife in my shaking hands.
"Good boy. Now do what I said" He said.

I laid my hand on my leg and brought the knife closer. It looked so sharp. I couldn't do this. I was so scared I could pass out at any moment.

I dug the knife in my hand and cried out. I yelled as I moved the knife up to my arm.

"Enough" He said and I threw away the knife. I saw my arm. Blood was everywhere. It couldn't stop bleeding. It hurt. It was burning. I tried to wrap my sleeve around it so it will stop bleeding. My sleeve got soaked in blood.

"Beg for your life if you want it. I will spare you if your pleads satisfy me." He was still pointing the gun at me.

"Please don't don't kill me. I will do anything. Please, please" I begged. I looked at my arm. It was hurting so bad.

"I know it hurts, but you're not alone. I'm here for you." He said and put the gun down.

"Shut your dirty mouth" I whispered.
"Oh just you wait to see what this mouth can do." He licked his lips, then smiked. God no! No!

 God no! No!

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