Valentine's Day Challenge RESULTS

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The results from the Valentine's Day challenge have arrived! Despite there being only two entries, it was extremely hard to judge. You both wrote beautiful pieces that were relatable and sparked emotion.

2nd place

I love this piece. I feel like it has great potential to become a full story. Your grammar is great, didn't find many errors. There were a few cases where you used the same or similar words in a sentence or consecutive sentences. You could look up synonyms to make this flow better. This story really makes me want to read on, a great piece. You certainly made it difficult to pick a first and second place for this challenge. Well done, and I hope you submit a piece for the February Challenge.

And our winner of the Valentine's Day 2018 Challenge

1st place

Your story felt like a journey. I felt like I could feel time moving as you progressed. It was also incredibly relatable. Everyone goes through heart break, but to show it leading to love again was a wonderful idea. You really struck emotion with a lot of points in this piece. The older family not showing long lasting love. Falling in love with a friend and watching them fall in love with somebody else. There were a few small grammatical errors, but nothing major. I think you have a really good grasp on showing emotion in a story, rather than telling about the emotion. Well done and congratulations on being the winner of the Valentine's Day challenge!

Winners please contact me for your stickers, preview shown below. And let me know if you like this idea of having stickers.

Keep working on your entries for the February 2018 challenge, it will close on February 23rd! Just five days left to submit entries!

Valentine's Day Challenge stickers:

Valentine's Day Challenge stickers:

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