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Its finally the new year and Im turning 22 this year. Shit, im a year older now and uglier than ever.Plus, im a potato and a proud unemployed lady.So if you've been wondering who the heck am i,lemme introduce myself to you.

Im Nie Shuang Yi,just call me Shuang Yi.Im literally a dumbass,that is why im still unemployed at this very moment.Yeah what do you expect? The competition in China is freaking tight and to secure a stable job nowadays seems impossible. I dont even know why. Dont ask me.Perhaps the population in China is very very very crowded and only those intellectual hoes can survive.

But im not one of those intellectuals so yeah I ended up being a couch potato,finishing all those food in fridge.

Nooo dont you ever say that I haven't tried to find any job.I swear I did but those stupid employers only hire educated and beautiful ladies.

''Shuang Yi!''

That's my mom.

''Ye! Im coming!''

''Did you just wake up? Look at your room! Oh my God,haven't you clean your room for ages?! What is happening to you,you dumb daughter!''

There we go again. My mum,Mdm.Jia with her endless nagging.

''Mum, I just woke up.I'll clean my room later!'' I quickly got out of my room and head to the kitchen to grab a dimsum. More to avoid her nagging.

Mum follows me from behind and now she's in front of me,glaring at me with a death look.OOook,I give her my cutest smile while eating the dimsum.

She opens her mouth, ''Shuang Yi, I have something to discuss with you,'' Mum looks serious.I nodded. ''What is it?''

''You know you're turning 22 this year rite?''


''You should get married.''

I swear I just choke the dimsum! WHAT THE?!

''Mum,I swear it's not funny! Married??! AHAHAHAHHA! I dont even know how to cook and Im still child!''

Mum starts to yell at me. '' Child? My foot! You should just get married,you're giving me headache! I've found you a man.Just marry him! Full stop!''

Now that makes sense.Mum hates me and she wants me to get married so that Im no longer a burden for her. My eyes got teary somehow. But still, Im not getting married!

Mum sighes and looks deep into my eyes. ''Ok,then what you want to do? I can't let you just stay at home and finish my food,you brat!''

I stroke my own hair,trying to calm myself down. Ok, I know!

''I'll find a job and a place to stay.I swear I'll get one.Just give me a week.If I can't get one in a week, you can marry me off with the guy. How's that?''

Mum seems to think hard while crossing her arms.


And both of us shake our hands. I smile to Mum. 

That moment, I know my life depends on this decision. A crucial decision.Little did anyone knows how this gonna change my whole life. This is indeed a gamble.

That evening I take a stroll along a nearby park,trying to calm the hurricane that just strikes my heart

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That evening I take a stroll along a nearby park,trying to calm the hurricane that just strikes my heart. I sigh alone. I sit on a swing while looking up on the sky before realizing that the sky is so dark. Its almost rain and shit I didn't even bring any raincoat nor umbrella.

Well,whatever,just let it be.I take a look around the park.Nothing impresses me.Just some child running around and some elderly couples doing exercises.

I turn my head to the right side of the park and my eyes catch something unfamiliar.

Wait wait, is that a human or ghost?

My eyes catch a figure laying on the park covered with a pile of newspaper. I assume its a human.Well, ghost often appears at night,rite? Please tell me that Im right! Im having goosebumps now! I look around the park once again and nobody seems to mind me.

I am about to leave when its finally raining. I stop and turn behind.

Erm..that person looks pitiful. I mean yeah with just newspapers covering his/her body won't be enough. He'll get soaked terribly sooner or later. I decide to approach slowly.

I squat next to him before poking his shoulder hesitantly. ''Hei, you should go home.Its raining.You'll get soaked..''

I haven't finish my sentence when I feel my hands are pulled closer towards the person.

He removes the newspapers from his face before whispering.

''I'll give you everything you want as long as you follow my order! Its do or die!''

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