Sasha's P.O.V

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"Oh yes!"

The moaning gets louder. It irritates my brain. I cant take it anymore.


I put headphones on to drown out the noise, but soon im drifting off to sleep.

In the morning

I come down the stairs and head straight into the kitchen. "Enjoy the show last night?" Andrew says to me with a smirk. "Yea real pleasure next time be louder." I say sarcastically. "We'll try very hard." He says with a chuckle.  "Cant understand sarcasm." I say firm and serious. "Wats the matter you  jealous?" That made me mad. "Why would i be jealous i dont even like yu." I say as i walk back up the stairs.

I stay in my room for about 15 mins. I hear a knock on my door. "Who is it?" "The finest boy in the house." I roll my eyes. "Go away Andrew." "Im cool." I get off the bed and head to the door. I think to my self  'do i really wanna open the door'. I sigh and open the door. "What do you want andrew?"

"What i cant just come to see my favorite roommate?" I turn around and head to my bed leaving the door open for Andrew to come in. "Dont you have someone else to bother." I say as i sit on the bed. "Kimmy's out of town to visit her parents for winter break." "Well sucks for you." I move my clothes from the left to the right of me. Unfortunately giving Andrew somewhere to be seated.

Andrew doesn't miss the chance and sits next to me. "Come on Sasha stop playing." He says with a seducing voice and turns my face so our heads are touching. "Andrew, you have a girlfriend."  "So..." he says and leans in for a kiss "So... im not gonna be your booty call." I push away from him, get up and issue for him to leave. "Whatever. You'll be back, they always come back." He gets up, turns facing me and walks backwards out the door. "Ill be next door if you change your mind." I sigh an irritated sigh. "I wont, bye Andrew."

I close the door and lean with my back on it. I sigh and flop on my bed.

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