C1-Whats that smell?

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I woke up with a splitting headache, and last thing I remember is that STUPID!
Dog ran in the road right when I was pulling out. I finally realized that I am upside
down and I can hear...... Breathing?I can't really see anything, but I can hear
someone breathing.
"Uh......Hello is someone there?" I questioned. I heard a cackle than a really deep
demonic voice, that sounded dead. "W-W-W-Well l-l-l-look who finally woke up"
He answered while chuckling. "Uh where am I?" I asked really scared because
remember what happened?You don't remember me? You don't remember your
new master?" He asked said. I was freaking out did he just say he's my new
master? "Uh............No AND YOU ARE NOT MY MASTER!" I screamed. "Aahhh a
feisty one well that will change" he said in a even some how more demonic dead
voice. Then out of nowhere a light came one, and I look to see me hanging in the
middle of the room. There was a table in the middle of the room, and a chair there
sitting in it was the one talking to me right about ten feet from my face. He had a
black fedora, black suit, and he had black fingerless gloves on. I couldn't see his
face, but now I'm finally back to my sense I can smell something really bad or is it
someone? All of a sudden I felt a shock go through my body which hurt, and fell
to the ground. "See that collar one your neck every time you disobey you will be
shocked and it will get deadlier every time you disobey" he answered to my
groan, and sighs. Once I got a glimpse of his skin it looked like he was rotting?
"You should feel lucky me and my goons have killed almost all the humans out
and turned half" he said getting up grabbing a leash, and putting it on my collar.
He then dragged me to a room which smelled worse than the other I
almost...almost puked. There in the room was a bunch of rotting, green skin,
moaning, groaning, growling, bloodthirsty, humans who smelled horrible. They
looked at the man then me then back to the man. "Rrrrrrrrr.....Boss...rrrrr.... We
found.....the... rrrrrr..base....rrrrr...of....the..rrrrrr..humans" The one with a red and
black tux with a captain of a boat hat on said. He also had rough​ ​almost all gone
black dull, bloody hair. "Good Captain Growl" replied the 'boss'.
He named one of the Captain Growl? That's a really bad name.
"MMMMM......Bosssss.....MMMM...Who's... The....mmmmm....Human?" asked a
really rotted man with blood splattered everywhere on him with a white shirt well used to be white shirt it's now red with blood. He also had ripped bloody jeans,
with blonde rough hair with a brown cowboy hat. "Well that's Katey Smith she's
going to be the test subject Mr. Moan" The boss said. WHATS WITH ALL THE
Wait did he say test subject? Whats going on?! "UH TEST SUBJECT I AM NO
ONE'S TEST SUBJECT!" I yelled with anger I just didn't think of the collar, until I
got a painful shock come from it. "Well it's not your decision now is it puppet?"
he said that word ​'puppet' did not settle down in my head easily, but i had to get
my memories back so i said nothing instead I asked something else. "Can you
somehow give my memories back please?" I begged I was really desperate to
find out what happened. "No" he stubbornly replied. I sighed in defeat. "Now
Dr.Blood T-t-take Katey to her cell p-p-please" He asks a human with a very
bloody scientist's lab jacket on, bloody brown shirt,and bloody black
trousers,she also had brown knotted bloody short hair,and red broken
glasses...she also had an axe in her right hand. "With pleasure boss" she says
taking the leash from the 'boss' and jerks me towards her and opens the door
with a nudge with her axe .I glare at the human or whatever they are that brought
me here as she pulls me out.We than start to walk down a hallway with brown
wallpaper that was ripped here and there and had mold and dirt and blood on
them.Im glad I haven't ate or i would have puked a looong time ago,cause this
place STINKS. She opens a pair of white reddish double doors and drags me in
and the scenery changes. It goes from all blood and dirty to clean white
walls.Clean white floors and....except for Dr.Blood it actually smelled ok in here.
"We're almost there" she says out of the blue. "Why was it so grimy and dirty
than all of a sudden it's clean?" she scoffs "I might kill,and look horrible but that
doesn't mean I can't have a clean lab...I HATE when my lab is dirty that's why i
constantly wash my hands" "that goes against your name so much" ".....Don't
guess someone's personality by their looks" "ok ok " she turns and I see rows of
rows of cells but their all empty .She proceeds to unlock one take my leash off
and shove me into the cell."your food will be given in a bit" she locks the cell and
walks off leaving me in the cold cell.I sigh and sit on the metal bed and lays on
my back....maybe i should get SOME sleep.

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