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Long time ago, in a small town, there was a legend of forbidden lover. The mistress was rich while the servant was poor. They fell in love with each other.

However, the girl's family can't except the boy. It was because the boy was only a maid while that mistress was the child of the richest family in the town.

One day, the mistress was being engaged to a rich boy. She doesn't want to accept it. She and her servant wants to run away into other countries.

Unfortunately, her family knew her plans especially her fiance. They plans to kill the servant and force that girl to marry that rich boy.

They chase them. The couple run into the cliff. They knew that they can't go anywhere else since that poor boy get injured. The rich boy was about to shoot that poor boy but that rich girl take the shot.

Her body fell down. Her eyes met her lover. That poor boy hold into her hand and tied a piece of red cloth. They promised that they will be together on the next life.

That poor boy killed himself and tied the red cloth on his hand. They hold that red cloth with blood and died.

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