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That curse, that legend, that bad luck.

"That thing really happened in my family in back then."

Jisoo said.

"Our mistress and a servant killed together after their love was forbid. At their hands, there was a piece of red cloth with blood being tied. They died while holding tight the red cloth."

"Grandmother believe the nonsense believe and other people stories. She always thought that our existence only bring bad luck into our family."

"Then, she abused us."

Jisoo said.

"What happened next?"

Yoongi asked.

"Nonsense. You think that we'll believe your fake story. You are just a slut. Begging everyone attention."

"You're just a little cute. Don't ever think that you can manipulate everyone thought."

Suddenly, someone enter the room and kicked the girl's chair. Which make them fell.

"You...You rude!"

The girl said.

"If you dare, talk more."

Jin said.

"You're more bitch than her. Better shut up your mouth."

Jin said and look at Yoongi. Yoongi hold Jisoo's hand. He run to them, pulled Jisoo then punch Yoongi. He push Yoongi face on the wall.

"After this, don't get near to Jisoo."

Jin said.


Jisoo whimpered as Jin pulled her hand.


Jisoo said. They walked away from the school.

The boys gathered and help Yoongi to stand.

"Always been like this."

Nam Joon said.


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