First day of school [ Chapter 3 ]

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*Keep in mind their all in different grades*

Rainbow - Are you excited about your first day guys?
Draco - I...I dont know
Funneh - You'll be fine draco! We'll see you at lunch anyways
Draco - O-Okay
*They walk to school*
Gold - Hey Draco
Draco - Yeah?
Gold - dont be nervous, You'll be fine
Draco - *Easy for you to say your older*
Lunar - Little bro dont sweat it I got bullied last year so dont worry about it...
Draco - T...Thanks Lunar
All - Bye Draco!
Draco - Bye!
*Draco walks to his locker*
Draco - What are those 2 guys doing in front of my locker?
Kyle - Hey max look! Isn't that the new kid....?
Max - Yeah....
Kyle - Follow me I have an Idea
*As Draco opens his locker Kyle grabs him and throws him on the floor*
Draco - Hey! What was that for!
Kyle - Max...grab him
*Max grabs Draco by his neck*
Draco - Put..Me...down!
Kyle - Fine...We'll do it since we gtg to class
*After class*
Rainbow - So, how was your day so far guys?
F, G, and L - Good!
Rainbow - How about you draco?
Draco - Good ( Lies )
Lunar - You sure?
Draco - Yes....
*After lunch in the boys bathroom*
Max - So...who were those girls you were sitting with Draco....
Draco - My sisters...why?
Kyle - No reason....
Draco - You better not hurt them!
Max - We wouldn't do such a thing....
*Kyle Pins draco to the floor* ( Pins means holds him tightly )
Draco - Get. Off. Of. Me!
*Max slaps Drcao across the face for 5 minutes then runs out with Kyle*
*Draco runs out crying and bumps into Gold*
Gold - Draco! What happened to you?!
Draco- I...I dont want to talk about it..
Gold - Come on! Im your older sister I wont tell anybody
Draco - Fine....I was getting picked on by Max and Kyle...
Gold - Who?
Draco - Some boys in my Homeroom
Gold - Oh...Okay thanks for telling me
Draco - Your welcome
Gold - Your bleeding though
Draco - I..I am?!
*Gold nods*
Gold - Here *Wipes of blood*
*After school*
*Rainbow gets a call*
Rainbow - Hello?
Funneh - Hey Rainbow!
Rainbow - Oh hey!
Funneh - Somethings up with Draco....
Rainbow - What do you mean?
Funneh - He's limping
Rainbow - Maybe he just tripped...
Funneh - No! He was bleeding
Rainbow - How do you know?
Funneh - His face had bandades on it...
Rainbow - If someone is messing with our little brother we have to do something about it!
Funneh - Like what?!
Rainbow - Do what we did when I was guys told the principle
Funneh - Oh yeah!
Rainbow - Sorry I gtg
Funneh - Okay!
*Funneh hangs up*
Draco - Hey Rainbow...
Rainbow - Yeah?
Draco - Can I gell you something a group of people said to me?
Rainbow - Of course
Draco - Okay

Me ( Guys some of the stuff in the beginning isnt needed but the first chourus is what they said to Draco and the rest of the song if you listen to it you'll know what i mean and pretend its Boys singing it and when they say Girls and she's then pretend their saying Boys and him
Rainbow - They called you a loser!
Draco - yeah and made fun of me
Rainbow - Thats it!

To Be continued

Funneh and The Krew's Life storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora