Dead....or not....?

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Funneh - Guys wake up for school....
G, D, L - Okay.....
Funneh - So...should we practice our dance for the Talent show?
D, L, G - Yep!
Guys Pretend Rainbow isn't there

Funneh - I think we're ready
Gold - will feel wierd without Rainbow
Lunar - Speaking of.....How is she doing
Funneh Should we check on her before school?
Draco - Yeah
They leave to go to the hospital
Gold - Hey Rainbow....
Rainbow - H...hey guys
Funneh - How are you feeling?
Rainbow - Not so well....
Doctor - Oh! Hello guys didn't see you come in
Draco - How's Rainbow doing now?
Doctor - I...I...don't know if you wanna know this....
Funneh - Tell us please....
Doctor - The...The knife had poison on it....and when it got into her arm it caused an infection that will kill her....I...I'm so sorry....
The Krew almost starts crying 
Gold - W...when will she die?
Doctor - Soon I'm afraid....
Funneh - No way....
Lunar - Guys, we could leave. We'll be late....
Draco - Lunar's right....
They all leave sobbing
Gold - I..I can't believe t...this is happening....
When Funneh went into class the teacher asked Funneh what was wrong
Teacher - What's wrong Funneh?
Funneh- Rainbow...I...Is dying
Teacher - Oh no...I'm so sorry Funneh, but please play attention to the lesson....
Funneh - O...Okay
Time Skip to Lunch
Gold - Funneh....are you okay?
Funneh - Hmm, oh yeah I'm fine
Lunar - Are you sure....?
Funneh - Yes I'm sure, Its just....
Gold - You can tell us....
Funneh - Well....Ash t...that girl that killed Rainbow
Lunar - Mhm....what about her?
Funneh - She tried to threaten me with a knife in the bathroom
Everyone looks at her in shock
Gold - Um....she did what?!
Lunar - How was she able to bring a knife to school?!
Funneh - I..I don't know maybe...she's trying to kill me?!
Draco - What do you mean "Trying to kill you" She is!
Funneh - Ya think I don't know that! I was joking I know she's trying to kill Me!
Draco rolls his eyes
Funneh - All I'm saying is Ash is trouble
Lunar - Mhm!
Gold - She did kill our
Draco - Revenge?
F, L, G - Yeah!

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