Third Chapter, wait? FUCK YEAH WOO!

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Zions P.O.V

"buenos días" Edwin says and yawn, which made me think about the girl at the airport yesterday, i'm pretty sure it was spanish, she spoke spanish...Right?
"discúlpeme, that's spanish, right?" i ask Edwin, since he's spanish "mhmmm, why?" he asks curious "nothing" i say softly and look down in my bowl of cheerios "sorry, or excuse me it means" he answers "i know" i say "hah, does this have anything with the airport to do, did ya make a latina mad?" he asks and laughs "Naahh i kinda bumped into one, or reversed, she was pretty shocked" i say laughing "BY YO HEIGHT" Nick says walking into the room, and again, we all laugh "was she hot?" Edwin asks with a crooked smile on his lips "Haha, u just love ya latinas dontcha?" i say "curso, preferiblemente con formas" he says and wink "nobody in this room knew what ya just said" Brandon says, walking from the living room, Edwin just laughs jauntily and goes to his room.
When he's gone Nick translates, he IS italian, but i guess it's kinda the same "of course, curves preferred" he says, and we're all dying of laughter, i guess she was kinda nice ;)

Alina's P.O.V

"Alina vienes y ayudas" Translation "Can you come and help" abuela yells from the kitchen "Sí, dos segundos" tran. "yeah, 2 seconds" i get downstairs and help her putting groceries in the fridge "Alina i forgot to buy eggs, can you drive to target after some?" "course" i say, and run to the car.
I walk into target and over to the refrigerated display, hmmm, i look up intensely on the guy in front of me, he looks kinda familliar? Hmm probably not, WAIT! He turns around and we get eyecontact, the airport guy!
He clears his throat "Hi again" he says a little awkward "Hola" i say, Fuck!
Why did i have to answer in spanish!? I NEVER do that...
He must think i can't speak, what a shame, cute guy.
No boys, we had a deal "Whats your name? I mean, we've bumped into each other too many times for it to continue without i know your name" He says and smiles, wait flirty?!
"Alina" i answer "And you?" AND YOU!? Alina da fuck, what century are we in dumbass!!
I give myself a slap mentally before he answers "Zion" he says, thats a cute name for a cute guy, Alina get yourself TOGETHER MA GAWD! I'm just so happy that i didn't say that out loud "you from spain?" he asks "My abuelas spanish" i asnwer, why the fuck do i need to be so damn awkward? "Oh well, i'll se ya around, hopefully" he says and an award winning smile forms on his lips,  Alina come on, honestly... I roll eyes at myself, pay for the eggs, and hurry the fuck home.
"Alina" my abuela says when i walk in the door, Aiden's up, and of course eating cheerios, haha! That boy and cheerios "are you ready for your first day at school tomorrow?" She asks like if she didn't know school is pure hell, "yaahh, i guess" i answer, i dont even wanna think about school, it's too depressing "yaaa" Aiden answers a little hesitant, abuela laughs at us "i love your enthusiasm" she says, and we just laugh.

Zions P.O.V

"Hey guys!" i say when i step into the living room, they all just sit in the living room and look expecting at me  "mhmm?" Nick says "oh yaer, guess who i met in target?" i say with a jauntily smile "the latina?!" Edwin asks hopeful, i think he wants her haha, i mean she's pretty "yup!" i say "Did ya get her number?" Edwin asks excited "uhm yeah,  a random dude she's seen once walks up to her, without knowing her name, and asks for her number.." i answer sarcastic "Sooehh, das a no?" Edwin asks dissapointed, and we all die of laughter "That's the only thing Edwin thinks about, i meaaan, boy is desperate, he needs something!!" Austin says, and we're all hysterical "Haha ha, you're so funny" Edwin says kinda offended "Ookay, her names Alina, and if i see her again i'll ask for her number and give it to ya" i say when iv've calmed a little bit down "ouuhh Give me some mamacitaaa" Edwin shouts "what a wingman!" he says and give me a high five.

Alinas P.O.V

It's 7 PM, and we've just ate, ENCHILADAS BITCHEEES! sry, not my fault, My abuela's food is just THE BEST! *Knock Knock* "Mhmm?" i answer, Aiden's walking into my room, i send him a confused look "mhmm?" i ask "I just wanted to take a look at what you were doing" he says, hmmm doesn't look like him, but i won't judge, we just moved here, and he lost all of his friends, he after all had more than 3...Just talk mkay, i had 3 friends?! "u okay?" i ask, he just nods his head, i know he's a little down "Look at the bright side, you're not as socially awkward as me" i say, he laughs a little "True" he says, and nods his head lightly, and stands up from my bed on the way outfrom my room "Oh! Btw" i say, he stops, and looks confused at me "i went to target to buy some eggs for abuela right?" "mhmm?" he says "And i met airport guy, and i was just 10 time more awkward than usual, therefore...It was AWFUL.." he laughs at me "hah! I think your luck has outrun, you probably wont see him again, or maybe thats not that bad" He says with one of those cheeky smiles "HEEY!" i say, i know exactly where he was going with that little cheeky comment "night sis" he says "night" i say, and he closes the door.

Hiiiiiii!! you think she's gonna see Zion again? Or will she run into Edwin? thank you for reading along, it really means a lot to me and it motivates me to write more if you'll drop a vote and a comment x Soph<3

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