Pretty Little Black Bird

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Chapter One

Where we are now

She was happy. But I wasn't. I was selfish. I wanted her to notice me, to talk to me, to call me pretty little bird like she used to, to smile at me, to be mine. But she wasn't. I was selfish because I wanted her to be mine. But I know she can't.


I was miserable. The little blonde twit thought I loved her! How Pathetic. All I wanted was the throne. Now I have it but I can't have it to myself without the witch getting in the way. So now I have to put on a smile and fake every day before I come up with a plan.


I was free. My wings are just as powerful and the wind is just as strong. I climb and watch from above now. My little beastie growing into a woman day by day. Her smile lights the darkened past and she inspires me day by day. I am free, and we are happy.


Everything was perfect. My godmother had her wings. Long and elegant. Beautiful and sleek. Phillip was pristine. He was a perfect gentleman that knew how to run a family. I was happy. After all that had happened I could finally sit for a day and look around to see the two most important people in my life next to me.


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