The Difference Between Monsters and Men

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Chapter two

The Difference Between Monsters and Men


I was in the castle and what a site it was. The stone glittered with gold trimmings along the floor and ceiling. THe grand staircase was made of Italian marble and fifty steps tall. That lead to the second floor where no one was allowed without special permission from the new king or queen. Thankfully Aurora had given me permission. I don't think Phillip, or as he likes to be addressed, King Philip, would've let me. It was all too grand for just a raven. Who would have guessed. I looked at my dusty boots and long thin clothes and felt so unimportant. What was so special about me? I'm a mutant freak that Aurora in all hevccr beauty shouldn't even give the time of day.

"I should just go." I mumbled to myself.

"Yes you should." A voice sounded above me. I looked up the stairs and saw Phillip. Phillip. Prince Philip. King Philip.

"What do you mean?" I growled. If he thought that I was going to let him be alone with Aurora he was wrong.

"What do you think I mean bird? Leave! You don't belong here." He called sauntering down the steps.

"Last time I checked I did. No thanks to you." I shot back.

"Please. Aurora only gave you the permission because her Godmother said so." He was just a few steps away now. "All you are is some scared mutant freak that should still be a bird eating my scraps out the window." He spat. That stung. But he was right.

"Take him away. Quietly and quickly." He ordered.

"Wha-" Was all I managed before a cloth was out over my mouth and I was unconscious.


I was finished with the morning and wanted to see Philip. Oh Philip. He was almost too good to be true. He was a gentleman, an amazing king, and an even better fiance. I was about to push open the doors to the throne room but I heard voices. I put my ear to the door and listened.

"Is it taken care of?" That was Philip's voice.

"Yes sire. The bird was...disposed of." A guard said that. But why would Phillip care about a bird. I heard footsteps so I straightened up and opened the door before the guard could come through. He bowed.

"Your majesty." He addressed me. I smiled. I looked at Philip and my stomach dropped. He was holding a black feather. A ravens feather. Diaval! Oh how could I forget about him! Wait? The bird was disposed of. Oh my god!

"Diaval!" I yelled. Philip just furrowed his eyebrows.

"What about the bird?" He asked.

"You...You disposed of him!" I shrieked.

"Aurora calm down." He snapped. "The bird was a nuisance that needed to be taken care of. There's a fine line between monsters and men and he was to close to crossing it." He explained.

"I can belive I loved you!" I screamed with tears in my eyes. I turned and ran to the stables and got a horse. He had to be somewhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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