Chapter 7

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"Bye Maxine!" the bus driver called, and I waved back. I hopped off the bus and took a look at my phone. It read: October 19th 2017, 3:34 pm. I scrolled through my notifications as I walked home, not even looking up to follow the path I knew so well.

As I walked past the pawn shop, I noticed a bright light emitting from inside. I stopped and peered through the window. Empty, except for the clerk who sat near the cash register counting change. I told myself that it was most likely the sun's reflection on the window -- I was just seeing things. I took another step, when suddenly the light appeared again.

Out of curiosity, I opened the door to the pawn shop, to see where it was coming from. I followed the light to a small hand mirror at the back of the crowded store. I looked back at the clerk, who seemed completely unfazed. Shaking my head, I decided to take a closer look at the mirror. I slowly picked it up, and brushed my fingers over its intricate frame. Through the glow, I could see my reflection on the glass. I grinned back at it, when I realized the reflection wasn't copying my expression. I took a closer look at it... was the reflection even my own? No, rather it was the sullen face of a young girl, frowning back at me.

I gasped and the mirror fell out of my grip, cracking as it collided into the wooden floor I stood upon. The light vanished immediately, and the pawn shop clerk began walking towards me. My heart pounded, as I tried to wrap my mind around what just happened.

The clerk picked up the cracked mirror that lay on the ground. His dark, bushy eyebrows narrowed and he looked at me with frustration.

He gruffed, "You better be paying for this kid."

"How much?" I sighed.

"Ten bucks. And you're not leaving until you pay."

Groaning under my breath, I pulled my backpack from my shoulders. I foraged through the mess, when finally I found a crisp $20 on the bottom of my bag. I gave it to the man, and slipped the broken mirror in the back pocket of my jeans as he counted out change.

"Here you go. And don't touch anything else in my store." He retorted, handing me back 2 five dollar bills.

I gave him an apologetic smile, and rushed out the door. 

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