Promises II

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Okay The part II I just love the Promises..



7 years from now me and Gray still love each other I wonder how long this will takes ( Lucy wrote it in her diary )

( Gray knock)

( Lucy opened the door )

( Gray hugged Lucy )

( Lucy give kiss at Gray )

Gray said: So Architect girl What are you planning?? since Me and you were already in the same company what are u planning?? *smiles *

Lucy: My plan Uhmm I think .... * Kiss Gray *

Gray: Lucy...

( Lucy fell down on the couch Lucy said: Can you just imagined were in relationship 7 yrs?? Since High school to college until now: ) .

( Gray Hold Lucy hand and said: u know Why because I love you I love you..

Lucy: me too * hugged Gray *

Gray: Were on the same company you'd working now on the same company with me I'm so happy Why Because I will see you always and we can eat lunch together.

Lucy: me too..

( Someone Knocks )

( Gray opened it and it was Erza,Nastu,Lissana,Jellal,Levi,Gajeel )

Gray: Natsu Erza jellal lissana Levi Gajeel

Erza : Gray How are you Umm anyway were here to both invite you to our anniversary me and jellal anniversary Were already in 3 yrs :)

Jellal : geeeezzz just shut up ..

Erza : * punch jellal * do u love me or not

Jellal : i love you okay..

Natsu : Anyway My wife is ... is... is..

Lucy : What?? * excited *

Natsu : Pregnant im gonna be dad yessss yess yess

lissana : Forgive me Lucy He was always like that

Lucy : No its okay well congrats

Levi : Thats why sometimes gajeel is fighting with him

Gajeel : nahh.. dont care

Levi : i hate you.

Gajeel : nah dont care ..

Levi : * cries * arent you not gonna say i love you ughh

Gajeel : Nah dont care

Levi : lucy umm anyway your so lucky because you have gray :)

Lucy : Yah i am

Jellal : Gray is stupid ur a pretty and elegant woman then why are you with gray you should be with Hibiki or loki.

Erza : umm jellal u know what it doesnt matter

Gray : do u hate me

Jellal : No your so affective Im just kidding look at me and Erza i should be in a goodkind girl not on her a monster but i love her

Erza : * blush * ummm

Jellal : now your blushing come here go sit with me..

( erza changed her sit and erza sit with jellal )

Jellal kiss Erza

Erza : Jellal ..

Jellal : geeezzz hahaha

Gray : Thats sweet right lucy * put around hid arms on lucy *

Lucy : Yes it was..

( wait for the next part )

Promises IIWhere stories live. Discover now