Part 13 { Effect }

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Lucy fix her car so she can work again

Layla : You know what lucy You should get the course Enginering Not the archetic or whatever is it  not only because of gray

Lucy : Momo!!!

Layla : Gomen Didnt mean that

Jude : do you wanna go somewhere lucy besides you dont have any project for today

Lucy : I do have

Jude : What who says

Lucy : Haru Im going now bye


Lucy was already on her office

Haru : lucy hey * waves his left hand *

Lucy : Oh hey what is the project

Haru : New taku version of house they said

Lucy : Who wants it ?

Haru : Mr.Gary Fullbuster and Mrs.Grace Fullbuster they said its for their grandson

Lucy : What !!

Haru : Why?

Lucy : That is the grandparents of gray

Haru : Are you affected tell the truth i know you

Lucy : About what?

Haru : I Just heard he has a new girlfriend what you feel?

Lucy : Geeezz shut up

Haru : You are Affected

Lucy : Why do you always said that

Haru : Your affected

Lucy : * look down *

Haru : * tap her back * lucy i understand you

Lucy : * hugged haru * i didnt know what did i do

Haru : You did the right but its still your fault

Lucy Start to cry

Haru : I know youll past that feeling

Lucy : * cries * i i -i-i-i-i-i-i-i- dont know

Haru : * keep hugging lucy * I know you will


Gray sides

Grace : Gray Why dont you introduce your girlfriend to us

Gary : Yeah

Gray : Grandma And grandpa She was busy okay

Grace : we have a gift for you

Gray : What?

Gary : A New taku  version Home

Gray : Wow ! So Am I Gonna do this?

Grace : nope lucy  will make it

Gray : WHAT !!!:why didnt you let me do it

Gary : Its a new version home you cannot even do that I saw lucy last last last last time shes doing it

Gray : okay fine but can i help her ?

Grace : Sure

Wait for the next part..


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