Part 2 { Decisions }

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Lucy : Yukino .

Yukino : why anyway i still have work okay when i bring you a paper or whatever blue prints it means its your project k see yahh .

Lucy : k

* lucy sit on her chair and look at gray and her picture *

*somebody knock *

* lucy opened the door and saw Loki *

Loki : Lucy???

Lucy : loki?? how r u

Loki : im fine u work here?

Lucy : yeah

Loki : Heres the paper umm its the new project because the old one gray didnt complete it so they pass it in others its too hard because its a Big big mansion .

Lucy : ohhk

Loki : geeeezzz i like you and gray So kawaii hahahaha

Lucy : ohh tnx

Loki : okay im going back to the 8th floor .

( Lucy looked at the new project its pretty hard lucy said )

After 2hrs

Lucy still didnt get it

* Gray knock *

Lucy : come in

Gray : Lucy its lunch time lets eat now

Lucy : i cant.

Gray : your doing the project i cant do that and i know u can lets go eat npw just do that later

Lucy : No

Gray : calm down dont shout lets go now pls??

Lucy : k

(Gray bring lucy to the resturant in front.outside of the company )

Gray ask lucy

Gray : Lucy hows the first day

Lucy : Disappointing

Gray : why?

Lucy : cause u called me just to eat lunch u know

Gray : lucy sorry

Lucy : im going back to work *get her back then go outside of the resturant *

( gray followed her )

Gray : Lucy lets eat pls dont tell me We were gonna have arguements its just the first day lucy.

Lucy : First day? first day of disappointments frustration cause i still didnt.get how long did u do that project 4 months right and u give up im not like you when i still have a work im working hard .

* walks out *

( Time skipped its already 8pm gray is done lucy was still not gray knock again on lucy office )

Lucy : come in

Gray : sorry .. lets go home now

Lucy : umm i 5 mins

Gray : Lucy pls.

Lucy : k

( While gray is driving lucy is not talking again )

Gray : anyway lucy your dad text me and said your going to have your own car and its on our house .

Lucy : yeah i know that

Gray : k

( they both got home lucy go to their bedroom and changed clothes and sleep )

Gray : Lucy did u love the first day ??

Lucy : just sleep gray im tired.

Gray : ohkay

( next day )

Gray knock on lucy door to invite to eat lunch with him

Lucy : gray !! i told you not for now

Gray : ok

( After 5 months lucy still not done on the project and only just twice a month lucy ate lunch with gray so lucy is driving Then lucy car didnt work lucy called her father lucy dont wanna bother gray so lucy called jude )

Lucy : dad ! isnt working go here in the 3rd ave

Jude : ok .

( Jude call gray on phone )

Jude : Gray

Gray : yess

Jude : can you go pick up lucy her car wasnt working

Gray : where?

Jude : 3rd ave.

Gray : okay .


wait for the next part

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