1.) Seeing Him

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"You're going to see him again aren't you?" Jayna, my best friend, asks although it sounded more like a statement. I rolled my eyes at the stupid question. "Of course I'm going to go see him." I tell her.

Could it not be more obvious? I had to see him. I felt it with every passing moment. "Bitch Down Rells. I'm just saying, it's not a good idea." I ignore the insult saying, " I just don't understand why you don't like Daron."

I sigh as we start packing up. The bell was about to ring and we would soon be going to 7th period. And after, I'd see him. " He's an asshole, he only wants sex, he's a senior, he isn't planning on going to college, he's a drug dealer, he's a bad influence, he-"

"OK! OK!" I cut her off," I get it Jay. But I like him- so much. Just cover for me please? If my mom calls tell her I'm at your house." The bell rings and we get up. "Sure Rells, but when he breaks your heart, I'm going to say I told you so." I smile and hip bump her, only my small waist ended up landing mid- thigh.

"And this is why you're my best friend." I let her know. She cracks a small smile but shakes her head. Then we head off in opposite directions. I could barely concentrate on Senorita Beba instructing us on how to conjugate yet another verb. My mind was wrapped around him, leaving little room for anything else. My thoughts wonder to the last night I spent with him..

Butterflies spark up as I watch him lean in to kiss me, eyes fluttering shut. I back up, a small smile on my face and he kisses air. His brown eyes snap open, annoyed.

"Why do you always do this?" He asks, irritation dripping from his mouth. I shrug lamely. To be honest, it's just a habit now, I want to kiss him just as much as he wants to kiss me but he doesn't need to know that.

"I wasn't finished talking."

Oh my god, that was such a stupid excuse. We both knew that wasn't true, in fact just a moment before there was a charged silence. Instead of calling me out in my lie, he just shakes his head.

"It's just-" he cuts me off by quickly kissing me and my response is automatic. My hands go to his chest, as if wanting to push him away but my lips? They're vigorously kissing him back. My hands start pulling him closer and he pulls away grinning. Asshole. Why would he stop when I was just getting into it. "I think would be more comfortable in this position."and then he pulled me onto his lap and I wrap my legs around his waist. He-

" Arrellis! Tell me the conjugation of Probar if using the pronoun tu." Beba snapped at me. "Uh ..un.. Merf." was my smart reply. People start snickering. "I suggest you study for the Prueba on Lunes." she snaps again just as the bell rings.

Finally! I quickly pack my things and rush out of class. My relationship with Daron, whatever it was, wasn't well known, so I hardly ever saw him in school. I burst out of the building and into the courtyard. He is so close. I'm so focused on my path to the student parking lot, I didn't notice when I bump into someone.

"Oh, hey! sorry." He says. I look up into hazel eyes and find myself in the arms of my best guy friend, Justin. "My bad." I say smiling. He let's me go and narrows his eyes. "You're going to see him aren't you?" he asks. What is with this question? Is it that obvious where I'm going? I give him an exasperated sigh, and shrug out of his grip.

"Yes. I have to go, he's waiting for me." I try to rush off but he grabs me again. "Rells you know you're going to get hurt. He's no good." Justin tells me, his voice laced with concern. "I'll be fine." I snap and walk off. My friends don't understand.

Daron is.. Daron is just undescribable. Theres no way he can hurt me if I already know what I'm getting myself into. I can stop it whenever I want to, and my feelings? They won't get in the way, well- as long as I don't fall in love with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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