Chapter 3

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   That night was almost perfect. My son was happy and that made everything worth it.

The next morning, I was up before everyone. So I decided to go up to the roof and think.

I don't know how long I was up there for, before someone else came up.

"Hey, you're up early. " Jace said as he sat down beside me.

I looked up slightly. "Yeah. I was just thinking."

" Zach is a pretty good kid. "

I looked up slightly and gave a small smile. "Yeah, maybe for others. He has his moments. He's a lot like you, you know."

He smiled at what I said and caught my gaze.

"Listen. I know, and I understand your reason to not forgive me yet. I just want you to listen, and hear me out. What I did, I know I can't take back. I put you in danger and i can't tell you how sorry I really am. The thing is, I am willing to do everything i can to make things better. I don't care how long it takes. "

I looked down at my hands for a few seconds. "I know. Things are just not clear, right now. And until we talk about it, I dont think they will be. "

After a half hour passed, I stood up and left to get ready for the day. When I got back to my room, I didn't expect someone to be in there.

There in the edge of my bed sat a girl, around my age. She had her makeup done almost perfectly, so it wasn't even a minute before I knew who she was.

"Who are you?" I asked. She hadn't noticed that I came into the room, so she jumped slightly.

"My name, is Annabelle. Please just call me Anna." She said as she handed me two books. "You and Jonathan need to read these, and then burn them."

I took the books and recognized them instantly. "How did you get these?"

Anna walked to the balcony out my window, before answering. "That I cannot tell you. Think of it as getting answers for the questions, that you can't answer. "

After she left, i looked at the books and I couldn't believe half of the things that were written in it.

After I looked at the second book, I totally freaked out. I threw the book across the room, and I slid off my bed, and onto the floor on my knees, and cried.

All of my childhood that I knew, was a lie. These books told me things that I never knew. They told me about experiments that were done on me.

It was only a few minutes, before the door opened and Jace came in. He immediately came over and gave me a hug.

"This can't be true. This has to be a joke. " I say with tears in my eyes, still, as I calmed down slightly. It was enough that Jace pulled away, and got the books I threw.

He read through them and his expression darkened slightly. "Avery, all this is sadly true. How much of your childhood do you remember? "

I looked up slightly "Not much. Why?"

"How did he get you to forget your whole childhood?" Jace asked himself as he looked at the books more. Soon closing them and dragging me out the door with him, before I could question what he said.

"Jace, where are we going?" He didnt answer as we came to the training room, where Izzy and Alec were.

"We need to go to Magnus' the first chance we get. " Jace said as he showed the books to them. Alec thought that we should take them to the Clave, but he explained how i dont remember anything that happened from my childhood, and that this might be the way to get to Valentine.

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