The Beginning

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If you do not like Eren X Author please do not proceed :)

"Corryn! Wake up! Wake up! The balance test is today!"

I was woken up to the rough shaking of my shoulders, and shouting of my overly excited friend. She tried slapping me, but I caught her wrist just in time.

"Don't you even try Sasha, I'm getting up." I threw her hand away from me and procedded to push my blanket off with my feet.

"Hurrrrryyyy upppp or we'll be late!" She said with an annoyed pout on her face. "And we still have to eat!"

"Just go on without me, I'll meet you there." I said with a smirk.

She narrowed her eyebrows and stomped out the door.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to get out of bed. I was not nearly as excited as Sasha to get this test done, because if we don't pass, we go back home.

Lazily forcing myself out of bed, I swung my legs over the edge and pushed myself up.

Then I slipped my boots on, and swung my jacket over my arms.

I walked over to my compact bathroom,that only consisted of a sink, mirror, and toilet, and stared at myself in the mirror.

Might at well remember what I look like now, because if I pass this, theres a high chance I wont look like this again.

I chuckled to myself, and blew a loose strand of hair out of my face.

I fixed the collar of my jacket and walked out of the bathroom. I looked to the right to see my other roommate sleeping on the bottom bunk,that was across from the one I shared with Sasha.

I wouldn't dare wake her, last time I tried....It ended very badly.

Annie...even the sound of her name sent shivers done my spine. 

I walked out the door quietly, and shut the door.

I exhaled once the door was completely shut, happy I didn't wake up her up.

I turned around, and started to walk down the neverending hallway.

Finally arriving at the mess hall, I picked my seat next to a kind girl whos name was Christa. Her friend Ymir sat next to her,  staring at me in a deathly way.

Sasha sat across from me, choking down her food and drink, not even taking a second to breath.

Connie, who I could tell was startled by the young girls ability to eat food so fast, sat next to her, with his mouth wide open in surprise.

I chuckled quietly, and began to draw imaginary pictures on the table.

Christa looked at me worriedly, making Ymir snarl towards my direction.

"Are you okay Corryn? You're not eating..."

I spun my head to make eye contact with the blonde girl, who began to rip half of her bread.

She handed me the other half and smiled warmly.

I shook my head in refusel, nervous about the test, I felt like if I ate anything, I would throw up.

"No thanks Christa, I'm okay." I returned the same smile she gave me earlier, and started to look around the Mess hall.

Ymir took the bread from Christa, and ate it herself, giving me a dirty look.

I began to observe everything around me, looking at all the tables.

The one in front of us held, Jean, Marco, Bertholt, and Reiner. Jean and Marco were very close, always sticking together.

Bertholt and Reiner are strong looking men, Reiner seems to be the sarcastic type, while Bertholt just sits on the sidelines.

The table behind them held the little trio.

Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman, and Eren Jaeger.

They stuck together like glue, after their experience of witnessing the day humanity lost all hope.

The day the Colossal titan broke down the wall, causing chaos among Wall Maria.

I could somehow relate to them, I too survived that day...but that's a different story.

Sometimes I wished I was as close to someone as they were to each other, but I would always push the person away. So something like them, could never really happen to me.


"WHAT ARE YOU ALL STILL DOING IN HERE?!" Suddenly our Instructor, Shadis, bursted through the door, nearly making all us choke. "GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND GET OUT THE DOOR!"

Everyone obeyed his order, and ran out the door.

Well this is going to be fun, isn't it?

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