Keep your Balance

15 3 13

  Once we all made it outside, we stood in a straight line, waiting for Shadis to call us up.

Everyone was cocky, but once they saw many of their comrades fall, they had second thoughts.

The Eren boy seemed to have everyone's attention.

He kept falling, no matter how many times he tried.

He would clutch his fist, and curse under his breath. I could even see tears swell up in his eyes.

Many were whispering about this boy,

"He will never make it..."

"Such a loser..."

"And he says he wants to kill ALL the titans?"

Honestly, I felt horrible for this boy, but I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle,  after seeing the many bruises on his forehead.

That didn't seem appealing to the Instructor...


My attention was caught by the Instructor, whos face got very up close to mine.


Most of the trainees looked at me in concern as I quickly walked up to the machine.

I was strapped in by one of Shadis's helper, and he began to rotate the lever to pull me up.

I yelped as my feet left the ground, but I soon got a hold of myself, and held myself upright.

I smiled brightly at the feeling of my accomplishment...but mostly proving Shadis wrong.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, and started to tilt myself foward, completing a somersault.

The helper let me down, and gestured at Shadis for another tranniee.

I ran up to Sasha, but before I could reach her, Instructor Shadis patted me on the shoulder and praised me.

I smiled back and continued my way up to Sasha.

"Wow who! You did it Corryn! You showed that baldy he was wrong!"

I giggled and high fived Sasha.

"Ooowwwww! You high five hardddd!!!"

I laughed louder and replied,

"Not my fault you can't take a real high five."

She pouted and continued to watch the failures of our remaining comrades.

Soon after that was done, Shadis dismissed us to the Mess hall for dinner.

I was extremely hungry this time, after skipping breakfast and lunch, then waiting out here in the blazing heat, my stomach was pretty much roaring by this time.

I held my stomach and walked towards the Mess hall next to Sasha.

Her eyes were sparkling, and she was drooling heavily, just at the mention of food.

I can't blame her though, I would probably do the same.

I could suddenly hear footsteps furiously stomping into the ground, coming closer, and closer to me.

I looked over to my side and saw a certain brown hair boy pass by me with a look of fury burning in his turquiose eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched him walk away furiously.

"Eren! Where are you going!?"

The blonde haired boy, Armin ran after the angered boy, with Mikasa falling closely behind.

Though Eren didn't seem to care for his friends at the moment, as he just walked away with smoke coming out of his ears.

"Oi, what's wrong with him?"

The young male, Jean, came up beside me, and scared the living hell out of me.

"My god Jean, what the hell is wrong with you?"  I said while holding my forehead.

"What? Can't I talk to you once in a while?"

I sighed and replied, "No, just stop scaring me out of my boots everytime you come up to me."

He chuckeled and held my head with his palm.

"Awwww is the little kitty cat scared of big ol' Jean?" He smirked.

I became annoyed of his little smart ass, so I grabbed his arm and twisted it away from me.

He yelped in pain and let go of my head.

"Jesus christ Corryn, calm down, I was just playing around." He huffed and ran to catch up with Marco.

I crossed my arms and let out an annoyed sigh, as I walked through the doors of the Mess hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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