Friday, 8:10AM

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Welcome to my short story fan fiction featuring 5 Seconds of Summer!

While reading, keep in mind that this is completely fan fiction and may not relate to real events, past or present. If this idea was already taken, it would be coincidental.

Here are the boys ages in this story:
Calum: 17 years old
Luke: 17 years old
Michael: 17 years old
Ashton: 19 years old

And the main character is 17. Alright, read on.. 


     The smell of gross sweat woke me up that bright Friday morning at schoolーthe morning of the day my life took a flip.

     The halls of Clayfield High School always reeked of filth. There were instances when they smelled quite decent, though it was rare. Clayfield High was known for their athletic teams, ranging from rugby to football to tennis. Sweat made up the moist aroma in the halls.

     But that morning, I was stuck in the yucky, slippery-from-sweat halls. Apparently, the whole school wanted to show up extra late today. Everyone struggled to enter their classrooms or get across the hallways in one minute when it required two. 

     I made it to my first period classroom which was on the second floor just in time and threw myself in before someone could block me. The morning bell rang two seconds after, indicating the beginning of first period. I rushed to sit at my regular seat near the windows where I had a view of the open play field. The teacher stood from his place at his desk and started writing terms on the whiteboard.

     "If I'm writing something, so should you." He said monotonously. This resulted in most of the class absent-mindedly pulling out their notebooks. However, laziness corrupted my mind and I ignored the teacher's instructions. Almost by instinct, I turned my head to look out the window.

     The school's open field was where the seniors liked to challenge each other in playful games of football. Most of them didn't have any classes first period, so this was where they hung out. It was a convenient place, with its location at the back of the school near the cafeteria and the main buildings.

     Like I usually did, I searched for the dark-haired, smiling boy, Calum Hood. I had a terrible liking to this guy who was a year older than I was. I caught sight of him easily. He was wearing some shorts and a tee with our school logo printed on it, kicking the soccer ball and running towards a goal.

     This crush was bad; so bad, that whenever I saw him speaking to other girls, I became jealous of them. I know, how pathetic, right? But that happens when you've been crushing on the same guy for three years straight. Why did he talk to those girls and not me? It sorta sucked.

     Calum has never had an actual girlfriend though, from what I had heard. He was more of a lone man. He preferred to be in solitude, and this sparked my curiosity to learn more about him. He was mostly quiet in public, but sometimes I would hear his laugh in the hallways, and it would make me feel tingly in a good way.

     How I got to liking him in the first place started when I first entered Clayfield High School as a freshmen. The administration office had partnered up the sophomores with us freshmen to show us how to get around the school. Calum was my partner, and at first, I wasn't too keen on having a boy show me the school grounds, but this turned out to be a blessing rather than a curse. Calum was almost as shy as I was at the time, and we hardly talked much until I brought up that my brother was in his grade. My brother is quite popular in his grade, and from that topic, we chatted about other things until the tour was over. I was upset it finished so quickly, because something about that conversation caused me to begin to like him. Before I could control it, I had developed a silly crush over him.

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