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After finishing the game of Sorry, Calum and I decided to watch some episodes of The Office. I found some popcorn in one of the cabinets and popped it in the microwave above the fridge. I poured the bag equally into two bowls and passed one to Calum. It's crazy how someone could live down here without seeing the outside world.

Unfortunately, our entertainment was short-lived. Two episodes later and we were bored again.

Calum threw his head back as the second episode ended. "Gosh, you'd think somebody should have found us by now. We've been here for almost two hours."

I shook my head, flipping the TV remote with my hand. "This is definitely the longest I've been down here."

Calum laughed. "Good thing we haven't gone insane yet."

"We were tired of watching The Office after only two episodes. That qualifies as insane to me." I joked.

Calum stared at me before chuckling. "I mean they were the episodes after Michael left."

"Good point." I commented.

"Maybe we should sit at the basement entrance and wait for someone to come around." Calum suggested.

I shrugged. "We could. It's a tight space though."

Calum smiled looking at the ground. "You know, you never told me why Archer kicked you down here with me."

By the time those words left his mouth, I couldn't speak. My jaws moved but no words formed. I couldn't make up an excuse quick enough.

Calum gave me a sideways glance. "Does Archer think I like you?"

Oh. I didn't think he'd ask me that. "I mean, it's possible." I shrug nervously. "I have no idea what crazy suspicions course through my brother's head."

Calum was silent at first, clearly thinking this over. Then he said, "It wouldn't be crazy."

My eyes softened. Did he just say that? Despite how much I loved hearing those words, my inner self spoke out. "We hardly know each other. Archer knows that."

Calum shook his head. "Oh come on, what other reason is there? I'm just trying to figure out why he's doing this."

"You just happened to be down here on accident. Archer didn't mean to leave you here. He thought it'd be funny if I was stuck down here with you." By the time those words left my mouth, I was too late to take them back. It really sounded like Archer assumed I liked Calum.

Of course, Calum caught the hint. At the moment I wished Calum was blind like other boys. He sat up straight in realization. "Wait, doesn't that mean Archer thinks you like--"

Before he can finish his sentence, we both hear knocks on the basement door. Oh thank God. We glance at each other before jumping up and running up the stairs. We were hip to hip trying to get to the top. After making it to the top stair, we both slammed our fists onto the door, knocking in hopes the person didn't leave.

"Hey!" Calum called out. "We're stuck in here! Can you open up the door?"

I heard muffled voices on the other side. Finally one voice sticks out. "Audrey! Are you there?"

"Luke!" I called, relieved he was still here. I thought he would've left the party by now. "Yeah I'm here! You need to help us get out!" I could still hear the loud music from the living room in the background. It made it difficult to hear his voice, but I could recognize my best friend's voice anywhere.

"Calum's down there?" I heard a voice speak. It must've been Ashton.

"Yeah!" Calum called. "We're both stuck!" As though that part wasn't already established.

"Oh my gosh, Audrey. Don't worry! Ashton and I will find the key and get you two out of there!" Luke called.

"Archer has it!" I called. Calum and I waited for a response. Nothing.

"Luke! Luke?!" I called again. After waiting two seconds, I pounded the door once in frustration. "Dang it."

"They must've left already." Calum sighed and sat down on the step. "Do you think your friend Luke knows Archer put us in here?"

"Luke knows." I sat down on the step below him, giving him some room. "He's known me since we were kids. He knows me, and he knows Asher."

Calum nodded. "Well, good. I'm glad someone's coming to save us."

I laughed, causing Calum to chuckle. He lifted his palms up to his chin and looked at the door. "Should we wait here until they come back?"

I thought for a while, then nodded. "Let's hope they'll be quick. If I know Luke, he'll figure out it was Asher in no time."

Calum smiled and then looked down. "So, you and Luke sound like really close friends. I mean, from how you've talked about him."

I nodded. "He's been my ride or die since we were kids. He's the better brother I never had."

Calum laughed. "I can believe that. It's awesome to have a long-term friend."

"Yeah, I think so."

After a while, a thought entered my mind about something Ashton said during the poker game. "Hey Calum? Can I ask you something?"

Calum's eyes narrowed, uncertain of my tone of voice. "Sure.."

I considered my words before finally saying, "Earlier, Ashton said something about Archer saying.. things about me at school. Rumors. Do you know what that was?"

Calum stared for a second, then chuckled humorlessly. I was expecting the worst. But the words that left his mouth left me more confused than I ever thought I could be.

"He tells all the guys that no one should date you because... well because he says you've got issues."

My eyes widened. "Issues??" I stood up in anger. "How dare he? After all the favors I've done for him, after I've covered for him for Mum--he goes on to spread rumors that I've got some issues? What issues?"

Calum's eyes were wide with shock after I finished my rant. He put his hand up. "Hold on, I wasn't finished."

I sighed and sat back down. "What issues?" I asked again, softer this time.

"It was really sketchy, and I didn't believe it. I asked your brother what his deal was, and he said that he was just being protective. He said you're his baby sister, and no one deserves you."

Oh. Archer really said that? That doesn't even sound like him. That sounds like the Archer I had before our parents divorced. Could he really be hiding behind his emotions?

"Your brother may be a jerk to you, Audrey," Calum said, "Which he is, but he's just hiding the fact that he really does love you."

"Wow, Calum, I don't know what to say."

Calum shook his head. "What are you supposed to say in response to something like that?"

I leaned over my knees and smiled. "Thank you for telling me that."

"I'm sure Archer would have my head if he knew I told you that."

I chuckled. "I won't tell him."

And then, we were interrupted by a loud pounding on the basement door.

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