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the bell rang again, indicating they're already at the 3rd station.

" we still have two stations. "

they both sighed.

" i'm bored. "

she monotonously said.

" let's get to know each other then. "


" i must admit, even though he's handsome, he is still dumb. "

he said.

" wait, why? i thought he was one of your top students in class, "

" yes he is, but one time, we had a test, he wrote that the half of 18 was 6. "

she laughed after.

" we've talked too much. "

" i know, we talked too much that were almost arriving at the 5th. "

the bell rang, and they both stood up.

" well, it was nice meeting you, mingyu. "

" you too. see you tomorrow. "

" same to you. "

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