23 - What Can Make Me Feel This Way?

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"I guess you'd say, what can make me feel this way." The Temptations - My Girl (1964)


Conner sighed when he stopped the car, I could see the traffic jammed. "We're caught up in traffic, call Steve to go to the hospital! Quick!"

I bit my lips, knowing that we wouldn't be there soon. "Okay," I took my phone out of my pocket, writing down Steve's number and gave him a call.

For seconds he didn't pick up, and the beeping sound ended. "Hey, Emily. What's wrong?"

"Kale got into a car accident!" I shouted at the phone, heart beating faster. 

"What? Where is he now?" Steve asked, as I could hear 

I told him the hospital he's staying at and he said okay, he'll be there soon. I turned off the phone, looking up at the road. So many cars, can they just disappeared so we could be there quickly?

"What will happen to him?" I muttered to myself.

Conner stared at me, smiling widely. "He'll be okay, trust me."

"Do you know what I'm about to say to you when you're watching The Exorcist?"


"I dreamed last night about The Lunatics, we sang on stage but Kale wasn't there. When I told Kale about that dream, he told me maybe he's in heaven. What does that mean? I'm so frightened right now." I told him, as I could feel tears formed out of my eyes.

"Well, he's going to be just fine. Maybe that car crash wasn't that severe at all. Just pray for him." Conner tried to comfort me, but I just can't help it.

I'm afraid of losing him, not this time.

I closed my eyes, sighing on my seat.


"Emily, wake up. We're here." I heard Conner said, moving my body on the seat.

"The hospital?" I asked with my sleepy voice.


I widened my eyes, staring at Conner. "Okay, I'm up." I told him quickly, getting out of the car as he laughed. "What?"

"You're weird."

I groaned. "Conner, there's no time for joking around! Come on!" I took his wrist as I ran inside.

 "Emily, slow down. You don't want to trip over something, do ya?" Conner stopped me, walking slowly.

"You don't want nothing to happen to Kale, do ya?" I repeated the way he talk and walked to the receptionist table. "Excuse me, do you know where's the room of Kale Stevenson?"

"Kale Stevenson? Wait a minute." Said the receptionist, checking out her computer. "Room 129, on the third floor."

"Thank you." 

We walked down the hall, going to the stairs as we climbed it.

Room 129

I suddenly felt panicked and opened the door quickly. There, he's sleeping in peace on the bed, with so many wires connecting to his body. He got bruises all over his body, and his head "Oh god, Kale!" I ran to him, crying on his bed. 

I remember, this was the same hospital where's Amber and Kale's mother staying. A week ago, Amber had went home and Conner finally knew the truth, but he was fine with it since Amber is okay now, but at first he was upset. Kale's mother is here too, he's going here to have dinner with his family, Sydney and his dad, with his mother. When he got home, he got an accident and have to come back here. That's terrible.

I raised my head and I just realized that there's Sydney and a man sitting on the couch, staring at us bewildered. Conner just stood there, awkwardly smiling at them.

"Dad, this is Emily and Conner." Sydney introduced us to the man, which I can guess he's their dad.

He smiled at me as we stood up, shaking our hands together. "Oh, Emily Harrison?"

"Uh, yeah. How do you know that?" I asked awkwardly.

"Kale told me all about you, telling how much he loves you." He smiled, frowning a little bit when he saw Kale.

My eyes glisten, as I stared down at the ground. "Do you think he's gonna be okay?"

"Well, I wouldn't know. That was a big accident, he had so much bruises and cuts, including hemorrhage." He sighed, as I could see tears formed on his eyes. "We should just all hope that the god wouldn't take his soul away, so he would be here with us."

"Hemorrhage?" I closed my eyes, realizing he's in such a bad condition. His body is very weak. I don't know what to do.

I remembered yesterday when the cops finally took Crystal, Courtney and Abby. But we didn't want them to go to the prison, as the cop told their parents about it, they're extremely disappointed and decided to give us the facilities to fix our house. I called it our house because it is us, The Lunatics staying at the same house. I wonder what would we be when we're in our mid 20s.

As so much I want Crystal to pay for what she has done, I don't like it now. She's now grounded and she's not going to the prom. Well, that's okay, but for her it's like the whole world. My whole world is Kale, what if someone took it away from me like I took the prom away from Crystal? I just don't want it to happen.

Kale's dad put me in a big hug, as I cried on his shirt. I just met him for one day and now I know how caring he is. "He's going to be alright, dear." I heard Sydney said to me, stroking my back.

I stared at him for one more time, he's such a fragile person and I know that. There's a big bruise on his forehead and a big cut on his neck. It's creeping me out to see him like that, but what should I do?

I can do nothing. 


I know this is very short, and I'm sorry about that! Anyway, enjoy!

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