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"W-why did he do it?" Elle cried in the passenger seat of Karen's car. At that moment they were on their way to see Shawn. It'd been two days since Elle and Aaliyah went to visit him.

"I don't know sweetie. He's okay though. You need to go in first and talk to him. He really needs you hun" Karen lightly smiled, patting Elle's thigh. Most of the time, Elle, wouldn't feel comfortable by this gesture, but when it came to the Mendes' family she felt relaxed. She'd known them for years.

"But I'm scared" Elle whimpered.

"You'll be okay. I've been meaning to give you something, but I've been busy, and forgot. I'll give it to you when we get there. Okay?" Karen said sweetly to, Elle, as she smiled.


Once they'd pulled up into the hospital parking lot, Karen, parked the car. She leaned over, picking her black Micheal Kors purse up. She pulled out a round piece of silver from a small inner pocket of her purse.

"Elle, please hun, take this" Karen said as she held out Shawn's beloved silver ring that he'd gotten from his grandfather, after he'd passed away.

"K-Karen, I can't" Elle stuttered.

"Yes, Elle, you can. And you will" Karen stated firmly as she placed the silver ring on Elle's right index finger.

After their small conversation, the two women, walked into the hospital. Elle, had one of Shawn's multiple hoodies attached to her small figure. Her small, dainty hands clung to the hem of his sweatshirt, as Karen signed in.

"Karen Mendes and Elle Ulrich?" A nurse called out.

"Go, go talk to him" Karen, nudged, Elle's, side as she stood up. She trudged her way to the entrance.


Hey! Wow I updated and I'm making an authors note. What a surprise!

Anyways hope you're all doing amazing! I'm so excited for SM3! What about you guys?!

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