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dear whoever,

it's Friday, June 6th, 2014. today I have a school dance and I've had a rather boring day. We went outside for the first part of classes this morning, and my wolf loved it so much. the warm breeze through my fur, the wonderful smells, *growls* the sound of children playing and being stupid. haha. anyways later I have a dance.

ok so at the dance all I did was walk around and eat food. it was fun, but once I got home I couldn't wait to run up and down my streets and actually let my energy out.

my wolf seems rather anxious lately. like he's itching to get out and run, but unfortunately I can't let that happen. I've been really short tempered for like the last month, and extremely restless.

every day or so of summer vacation I'm going to get up and run for about a mile, come home, and go to swim practice. that should tire him out, and maybe get me back in shape.

ok it's later at night now. I'm actually pretty relaxed, but insomnia is kicking my ass pretty bad. *sigh* imma try to sleep. night guys.

-Corie Wolf


all of these have been written a few days before I publish them. so 3 may be published at once or something. just because I revise and stuff.

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