Barbie / Pitch Perfect / The Breakfast Club

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Okay... so I went to the mall with my mother and little sister (in my damn pajamas, so I was hella comfy). My sister went to go get her ears pierced, so that happened. We went into some other store in the mall, and it was meant for grown women and shit. Now, my sister is 5. Wanna know the problem about bringing her into that store? There was a bright pink box with a bra in there. You might be wondering "Why the hell is this titled Barbie then?" Well... on the box there were two girls. One looked like Barbie... so my sister saw it. There were phrases on that box that reminded me of moans, so when I saw it, I immediately looked away. But my sister saw it. 

"Mommy, there was a Barbie box!"












(Dead Girl Walking just came on. And it wasn't the reprise... help.) 

Anyways, so my Ma just replied with an "Uh-huh" like a damn robot. I knew what my sister was talking about and I thought "OH HELL NAW! TO THE NAW, NAW, NAW!"

ANYWAYS! NEXT PART! Last night, I also watched Pitch Perfect for the first time. The first one, not the second or third, cuz I haven't seen those either. When that blondie girl blew chunks, I was eating ice cream with my brother. I just started laughing and asked him "Hey, how's that ice cream?" and him and I just continued watching that movie while laughing like crazy. Now, in Pitch Perfect, they mention a movie called "The Breakfast Club". I heard a song from the eighties that I loved in there so I just thought, I'll check on demand when I get back to my place.

So this morning, I popped some Eggo waffles in the toaster, and started the movie. John Bender reminded me of Ponyboy Curtis or Dallas Winston... or maybe Darry Curtis from "The Outsiders", Andrew Clark reminded me of Kurt or Ram from Heathers, Allison Reynolds reminded me of either Violet or some really introverted person, and Brian Johnson reminded me of myself if I wasn't sad and depressed 24/7. I ate my waffles happily as I watched the movie, and when I  found out about John Bender's family issues, I wanted to give him a hug. Anyways, I put this in the randomness book cuz I don't think anyone else on this account watches 80's movies. If ya do, start a rant! Idgaf. Lates, yo! -Septic

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