✿ tfios ✿

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saturday at five-thirty kadee and i watched the fault in our stars. and let me tell you, it was amazing. i was singing along to the songs and laughing and everything. but rlly, i didn't cry. no tears were shed besides the ones that slipped out when i was laughing so hard. ik, that sounds terrible, but my emotions malfunctioned, okay? [okay, maybe they didn't but that makes me seem like i have a heart]

there were these two girls behind kadee and i literal sobbing their eyes out. they were wheezing and crying all loud and everything. i'm surprised their eyeballs didn't fall out of their eyes from all that moisture stored in their two eyes.

i didn't want to be mean from laughing so hard so kadee and i covered our mouths and acted as if we were sobbing instead. i hid under my jacket and started wiping my "tears" with the sleeves. but rlly, it was sad but not THAT sad. rlly. who gonna be wheezing over something like that. i was wheezing over titantic but no romance movie can even reach a finger towards titantic.

at the end of the movie they stood up and clapped and i was gonna think about jumping over the chairs and punching them, but i thought about all the stupid things i've done and didn't want them to feel alone [even if they probably couldn't careless about that lolol] awkwardly clapped twice with them bc why not.

but these fangirls be like taking this book/movie too srsly. like, ik how it feels like to get carried away with a book or movie because i like literally think that the characters are real in books and then i get all sad bc i can never talk or meet them bc they kind of don't exist and then i start wondering if they'd even like me like idk i need to shut up. anyway, the point is these girls be breathing in tfios like it's some powdered cocaine. srsly tho, chill out. inhale, exhale. it's okay. the book is nothing to make a fuss about rlly.

i just think a lot of these fangirls are like, "I WANT TO FIND A GUY LIKE GUS! I WANT TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP LIKE HAZEL AND GUS" which probably will make guys frustrated bc most guys aren't very good with words unless they're like some natural shakespeare or they're copying quotes off of tumblr.

but rlly tho, let's be honest, people be taking relationships too deep like at the end of the day, relationships are just about loving each other and really getting each other and not being able to be without that person but some of the girls be acting like the guy has to be some poet, climb in your window and sing arctic monkeys to you until you fall asleep, and read the notebook and all that crap.

and if you find a guy like that, that's amazing, your expectations should be high. but in reality when you find a guy you're in love with, the most poetic he'll probably be is something he's read off of tumblr. and i'm not saying that guys can't be like gus bc even tho i've never met a guy like his character, i'm pretty sure there's a very small percentage of gus like characters out there in the world. SALUTE!

[the girls behind us were probably wheezing bc, "no! the percentage of poetic guys has dropped!"]

if i found a guy liek gus tho i'll probably just be like, "...wat" half of the relationship bc 1) sometimes i didn't really get what he was talking about, 2) i hate flowers like srsly, what do i do with them after i get them. my dad gets me flowers for my birthday and i'm just like, "thanks for thinking about me, but what now? do i just look at them and watch them die?" 3) well i don't really have a number three so let's jsut say he be doing too much.

ansel elgort is cute tho like ayeee idc wat anyone says.

but omg, while kadee and i were at the movies i was drinking kadee's dad's slushie and then i started throwing up [note the evidence photo on the side] it was a real emotional moment for me. the blue slushie hit my two front teeth, then i started freaking out, choked on it, and started throwing up.

[my hair was rlly cute that day, btw. but now it looks ratchet, lololol. i can never keep up with an amazing hairstyle]

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