Hit Re-play

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11 months earlier

Pete's POV

"3,2,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The bar's filled with cheers and clinking of glasses. "Happy New Year baby!" My boyfriend wraps one arm around me and kisses me hard. I feel like this year will be our year. We have one more thing to do then we can rest, carry on and move forwards with our lives. One more mission and it's all over, that is, if we survive. It's dangerous but we're used to it. You see a lot in fifteen years, it makes you stronger, you can see clearer and you become desensitised in a way. "Happy New Year." I reply to him, kissing back. "You taste like champagne." I grin. "And you don't taste like it enough. Get more down you." He shouts. "Are you trying to get me drunk Mr Way?" Mikey winks at me and whispers "that's for me to know and you to find out."

He hands me a flute of champagne, looking at me expectantly. I down it and grab another one. Mikey smiles and sips his own glass. "Happy New Year!" Brendon yells, wrapping his arms round my neck and peppering my face with kisses. "Bren, your gay is showing." Dallon sighs. "I AM gay Dal, you just won't let me show it." He sticks out his bottom lip and pokes Dallon's face. "No, Sarah won't let you show it. Especially after Ryan." We're all used to Brendon's drunk antics and know exactly what buttons to push.

Last year, Brendon got wasted at one of the only parties he went to and almost did something he would regret. Ryan would have definitely been a regret. Now he's with Sarah and he's never been happier, he's really changed. Well, he's more careful.

"Why Ryan though?" Brendon scratches his left forearm and shrugs, a habit he's had since a certain incident a couple of years ago. We were lucky to make it out alive but, not everyone did. We lost one of our best that day; they're gonna get what they deserve. "Happy New Year Gee." Mikey whispers. I squeeze his hand and kiss his cheek. "Are you OK? Do you need a minute?" He nods and mumbles an apology before leaving. "Is Mikey OK?" Brendon asks. I nod and face him.

"You called us here for a reason and it wasn't to celebrate." The brunette twizzled my body round and pointed at a small, shell of a man huddled in the corner. "That one." He says. I take a look at him, how he almost folds in on himself and strives to be unnoticed. Basically he's perfect. "That one." I agree. He looks interesting and this going to be a lot of fun.

Patrick's POV

The clock hits midnight and the dimly lit bar fills with drunken yells and well meant wishes. Ryan left and I'm scared some drunk guys will leave me dead and bloody in a ditch or alleyway somewhere. With a dejected sigh and one last search for a familiar face, I decide to call it a night. As I look, I lock eyes with some short, blonde haired man. Both him and his brunette friend seem to stare into my soul, judging and thinking. Why are they looking at me? I'm nothing special.

I really thought this year would be better than last. But I guess not. Still single in a dead end job and a struggling musician, trying his best whilst juggling three other jobs. Life's kind to some and kicks others to the curb time after time. It doesn't get better than this for people like me. Kind, trusting people are nothing but footstools or dirt on the bottom of your shoe.

"Is anyone sitting here?" The blonde from earlier asks, pointing to Ryan's vacant seat. I think about it. He's not coming back is he? "No. You can sit down. I was just about to leave anyway so you and your friend can have this table if you like." He sits but shakes his head. "That's a shame. I was hoping to speak to you." Blondie admits. I raise an eyebrow. "Why me?"

"You look a little lonely. No one should be alone at New Years." Blondie confesses. "Well my friend abandoned me again, probably gone to have drunk sex with an ex so I was just about to head home. There's nothing interesting here." Ryan still hasn't shown up, most likely chasing after some guy who'll forget about him in the morning. "Well, there's me." Mr Blonde seems to be quite confident and comfortable with that statement.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really." I decide to humour him, what could possibly go wrong? "OK then, let's talk. What's your name? I can't keep calling you Blondie can I?" He laughs. "Well you can if you like but if you insist. The name's Wentz. Pete Wentz. What's your name darlin'? I can't keep calling you Cutie can I?" My cheeks redden and I glare at him. "Very cheesy Wentz, very cheesy. The name's Stump. Patrick Stump." I mimick.

"Nice to meet you Patrick. Now why would your friend leave a gorgeous man like you on your own?" Pete asks. I shrug. "I don't know. He's Ryan. I'm me. I get left alone and forgotten easily, I'm nothing special." I've said it to others and myself so many times its's become true, almost as if it's written in stone because it is true. I'm nothing.

"Well I wouldn't say that. You don't seem like no one. Do you know what I think?" I hum in response. "I think you're wrong. I haven't known you very long and I don't know you very well but I know that you're wrong Mr Stump. You are special and anyone who leaves you alone clearly doesn't appreciate you."

"What is there to appreciate?" I butt in, utterly confused by this beautiful stranger's words. Why is he saying this? He doesn't know me. "Oh there's so much about you that needs to be appreciated. Your perfect smile, your diamante eyes, your floppy, sandy hair." I giggle and clamp a hand over my mouth.

Pete gently removes it and takes my hand in his. "What? Is it something I said?"

"Floppy. I love that word. Floppy, floppy, floppy. F-l-o-p-p-y. Flooooppyyyyy." The word rolls of my tongue making me feel warm and fuzzy. "Oh God I sound like a pyscopath." I shake my head and avoid eye contact with Pete. "See, there's so much about you to appreciate." He's still wrong. There's nothing. "How? No one remembers me. I'm forgettable."

"Quite the opposite my dear," Pete leans forward and whispers in my ear, his warm breath tickling my skin "You're going to be a hard one for me to forget."

Lol cringe

Scottish_hoe01 floppy

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