Dave. It's shower time

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This One-shot is dedicated to Lucarioishere as they are going through something tough for this and next week, hope this motivates you friend.

Dear Diary,

It is I, the elusive aubergine man,

Boy, I was so happy that I could be skipping down the dirt path that led to Old Sports house if I wasn't planning to be discreet, Old Sport had agreed to help me shut down Fazbender Pizzaria, we had already killed some toddlers and stuffed them into the animatronics, however, I noticed that Old Sport has become distant lately, he won't talk to me but he still did everything I asked him to do, albeit more hesitant. I wonder what's bothering him. I hope he is not going to betray me.

I guess I will find out soon enough, after all, it wouldn't be the first time I've stalked him and made myself welcome in his house without him knowing about it, and watching him sleep at night...moving on. I am planning on making a surprise visit tonight, I can't wait to see the look on Old Sports face when I tell him about the progress I've made, that is, if I can stay awake long enough to tell him, although if I do faint on him, I hope I can kiss his cheek before sleep takes over.

Aubergine man signing off.

(Dave P.O.V)

That night I made my way to the back of my partner in crimes house, I lock picked the back door and entered quietly as possible before creeping (I mean sneaking) up the stairs hoping to not wake Old Sport up, my target, the shower...I'm sweaty and need a shower alright? Don't judge me. You would be too if you spent an entire night messing around with broken animatronics and getting oil spat at you. Anyway, I had just entered the bathroom when I heard the front door unlock, WTH! I thought the kid was in the house and asleep, I've stalked him for days and he only ever goes to the building and his house, crap he's coming up, I quickly hid in a bathroom cabinet when I heard him get to the top of the stairs. They got louder and louder till they stopped right outside the bathroom, if he comes in here I'm a dead man (more dead than I already am). And what would you know, lo and behold he comes in and stops right in front of the cabinet I'm hiding in, which just happens to be under the sink. Great.

My body completely froze on the spot when I heard the sound of clothes falling onto the ground, was he going to take a shower? (really Dave? What other option would there be if not a shower?). The shower turned on, (told you), and the sound of water hitting skin could be heard.

(Old Sport P.O.V)

My eyes felt heavy as I stood in the warm water, you'd think it would sting considering I barely have any skin left on me, the world is full of surprises I guess. I didn't bother to watch the make-up run down the plug hole, only focusing on the wall in front of me and let my mind play the events from beginning to now.

I was tired, mentally and physically, tired of waking up everyday knowing that it will never be my last, tired of going to one location then another one to try and save those little nippers. Every time I succeeded in shutting down a building and setting them free, I never seemed to be that one step closer to being free myself, free from the pain of existence of living this eternal nightmare. This body would always be the reminder of what I am, a freak and a member of the walking dead, literally.

But then I start thinking about Dave, the purple guy. Murderer aside what was it about him that made me want to change? To go killing with him?

Maybe it was because he was like me in a way, he was just as dead as I was and we both had the same, soulless smile, not to mention the pitch black eyes with white pin pricks.

I let that sink in for a moment before shaking my head, no that was not it, it was because he made me feel something, more alive maybe? Whatever it was I have not felt this in a long time, not since I was still alive and living with my family. I laid my head against the cold wall and sighed slowly.

"Dave what are you doing to me?" I said softly.

Just the mention of the word 'Dave' was enough to make me feel warm on the inside, which is strange considering I'm not supposed to feel anything. I didn't realise until too late that my hand was in a place that made me see stars a few seconds later, the word 'Dave' escaping my mouth.

Realising what I had done I quickly cleaned my self up, turned the shower off then grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist before walking out of the bathroom and into my bedroom to get some pyjamas on and go sleep.

Dave blinked, then he blinked again, he mouth gaping open with an uncomfortable sensation in his trousers, did Old Sport really look like that without the make up? Damn, he looked more human than himself, and that was saying something. But damn did his body look lovely, this was the first time he had ever seen his partner in crime without the make-up, and for a moment he fantasised about what the body would feel like under his fingers.

Eyes widening at the thoughts, Dave quickly got out of his hide-y hole and jumped out of the bathroom window while doing a somersault and a dab before landing on the ground and running home as fast as he could.

He would tell Old Sport about the surprise later, right now his trousers called for attention.

He would be lying if he said he didn't feel something towards Old Sport, this feeling was more intense and different to the kind he had felt for Henry when he was still alive. But the question was why? Why did he feel something other than the thirst for vengeance against Fazbenders?

Looking at himself in the mirror he frowned, then he punched the mirror as hard as he could, not caring about the bloody hand that still held glass shards in the knuckles. He knew it would be stupid to think these feelings would go away over time, he wasn't that stupid, if anything they would grow to the point he would not be able to control them and possibly do something drastic.

Dave sighed before he began to pick up the shards from the floor and put them in his kitchen bin, not even flinching when he began to pull the shards out from his knuckles and dropping them into the bin.

Once he was done he moved to the living room and dropped onto his sofa and closed his eyes, trying to calm his raging mind so that he could focus on what had happened this week.

First off, his partner had been acting odd for a few days making him suspect that Old Sport was going to turn on him, as well as the fact that, that was when he began to notice those odd feelings in his chest.

Second was that when he hid in Old Sports bathroom, he saw said person in the shower naked and masturbating and quite possibly thinking about him while doing so, and lets not forget the wet, dead looking body he had.

Thirdly, if not finally, Dave got a hard on simply because Old Sport was thinking of him and the feelings he tried to hold back had increased ten fold while he sorted the problem out, only to imagine that it was his partner in crime 'helping' him instead.

Dave calmly opened his eyes as he stared at the ceiling and frowned, whatever these feelings were, they could be either be good or bad. Although, the thought of him and Old Sport being together in 'that' way made him smile, a real smile and the fluttery sensation in his chest increased.

He may not fully understand what these emotions were, but he was going to make sure that they never dissappear.

Whether Old Sport liked it or not.

Dear Diary,

Should I tell Old Sport about...the box?

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