One Eggplant, Three Oranges

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Hey guys, sorry if the ending looks a little rushed, was running out of ideas and wasn't sure how to end it. ENJOY AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Dear Diary,

It is I, the elusive Aubergine man. Remember in the last entry where I had said that I was going to tone down on the cocaine? Yeah, I was lying.

Old Sport still doesn't know who I am, I even asked him if he ever liked going swimming near the death-defying cave near the jagged rocks.

He simply blinked at me and then asked what was I smoking, I DON'T SMOKE POT, COCAINE IS THE LIFEBLOOD OF ALL DRUGS!

And to make matters worse, HE ASKED ME TO STOP SMOKING COCAINE, I DON'T SMOKE IT, I SNIFF IT! I really don't know what to do diary, I don't even feel the urge to kill kids, and that's saying something. I only want to rip out what's left of Old Sport dead heart and shove it into my own chest.

What do I do diary?

Ooh, wait, what if this is still just a 'bad dream' or I'm still under the effects of the cocaine (wouldn't be the first time that's happened, I remember having a mans heart in my hands while under the effects, didn't need to set the pizzeria on fire) and haven't 'snapped out' of it yet.

That must be it, I'll give it a couple of days to make sure I'm 'safe' before making my move, if it doesn't work....

Then I'm overdue for a 'celebration'.

Aubergine man has signed out

He had hoped and still hoped for the next few days that everything from before this had all just been a hallucination, that everything from before was just a dream and that the second he walked into the building, Old Sport would be there waiting for him and great him with open and very dead arms.

It never happened, and Dave was left feeling even emptier than he ever thought possible. He was met every day with the same, dead and empty eyes that gave him chills worse than Henrys, on the plus side he hadn't sided with Phone Guy yet, but it still wasn't enough.

Dear Diary,

Tasks for tomorrow, rob a convenience store,

Kill someone who gets on my nerves (maybe)

Drink myself to misery

Sabotage Candy's (because I hate that place as bad as Freddy's also if I haven't killed someone in the second task then I am certainly doing it at Candy's)

Finally, smoke some cocaine to celebrate.

Aubergine man has signed off

He pretended that he was completely fine at work, managed to tick Phone Guy off which raised his...spirit? Does he even have one? Never mind. He hadn't seen Old Sport anywhere, Matt was the only one there but Dave paid no attention to him.

Anyway, after the day was done he immediately ran to convenient store (shooting someone in the process because he felt like it), but he didn't get drunk, yet. Even though he had put that next on his task list.

No, instead, he went straight for the building belonging to Candy's, he had brought a laptop with him and was able to hack into their cameras and cause a blackout. He had plenty of time to mess around with the place and he would be long gone if someone was to phone the police, which was highly unlikely.

Dave practically strolled in through the front doors and made an immediate destination for the office, his torch eyes glowed in the darkness and made him even more intimidating as his eyes narrowed in determination, his smile would have made Henry proud.

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