Chapter Three

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Before I knew it, Tweak was running a white feather between my my legs, rubbing my swollen clit with it. Even though this was considered rape, I was kind of enjoying it. All the while Tweak was muttering complete utter nonsense that I was hers till the end of time, and it was really starting to freak me out. Tweak has already admitted to me that she has Asperger's, but although hers is not as severe as those I've met, I'm really starting to wonder if she's been taking the wrong medication, because in the past eight and a half years I've known her, she's been straight, kind, and not a total nutcase. But maybe I've never paid enough attention to her. Now that I think of it, none of us ever pay enough attention to her. Maybe that's why she's gone insane slightly. No, not slightly insane. TOTALLY insane. 

"Good girl, nice lil' pussy ya got there, my love." she murmured, running her claws over my bloody folds. I shuddered at the thought of Tweak inserting something into me; I've never lost my virginity and I've never put anything inside of me, let alone play with myself. Talk about self control. All I knew was that the drug was making me really horny and that Tweak was truly showing no sign of remorse or mercy. I suddenly felt like I was a blind puppy awaiting my mother's milk, but without the bawls of hunger. Tweak ditched the feather and firmly planted her lips on mine, forcing my jaws apart and letting her tongue enter without permission. Through muffled words, Tweak gripped my ass and mumbled

"Oh, jeez, Dashey, you're amazink ath tith." I decided to reply with;

"Anythingth fer thyou, Ma'am."

Tweak pulled out of my mouth and put her mouth up to my ear and snapped in a soothing tone,

"You will call me Daddy."

"B-but you're a-a-a g-girl" I exclaimed. Before I knew it, four swift claws raked across my thigh, slightly drawing blood.

"Do not question me, Dashi. Obey my every command or else there will be consequences."after she finished scolding me, she continued to make out with me. 

We're only getting started. I thought weakly.

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