Couldn't Relax // Prologue (Short)

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A/N: Thanks for the cover again, Hollaugh ! This'll be a nice one until I can get my own cover making apps running again. Also, thanks for the cover for "Life Itself", that one is a dream come true!
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"Ha!" You laughed heartily in the face of your friend. "You owe me big time!" You took a big sip of your energon as a congratulations to yourself. Blurr shook his helm on the stool beside you as you sat at the bar. Macadam's Old Oil House was always a place you knew you could be yourself, for no one would judge you. Otherwise, you were the most awkward person to ever become a police bot.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it! You get to go to Earth before anyone else to roll with the rescuers, but I thought you wouldn't-"You cut your best friend off.

"On the principle of being an aft!" You interrupted, gulping the rest of your drink down. You lightly placed the mug down in front of you for the bartender to take. You were good on energon for the night.

"I was not!" Burr objected with a laugh. "I can't believe I lost though! I honestly can't believe you were able to do this! This is amazing!" You smiled at the purple mech, your expression full of happiness. He smiled back with pride in his grin as he took a swig of engex, downing it all in one gulp.

"Don't do that you're gonna choke!" You scolded him. You snatched the glass out of his servo and slid it across the table. The mech sighed in defeat.

"C'mon, I've only had two!"

"I'm not letting you go home drunk!" You argued.

   "Pleeeeeease~?" Your friend begged, slumping forwards on the stool. You shook your helm, your grin still plastered from audio to audio, as you slid yourself off of the bar stool. Blurr copied your actions your actions with a defeated sigh and followed you to the entrance of the crowded building. Once the both of you finished navigating through the army of drunk Cybertronians that's surrounded you, you shoved open the door in exhaustion and left.

   "That was fun while it lasted," You announced. You took a couple deep breaths to cool yourself down after the feeling of suffocation had seemed you in the crowd. You looked at the sunset as you headed home on the metal streets of Cybertron. Everything was darker, showing time had passed as you enjoyed yourselves with talking.

   "It really was," Blurr agreed, as you stood outside Macadam's, "Can I walk you home?"

   "If you want! You want to go racing tomorrow? Before I leave for Griffin Rock?" You asked, knowing he'd take it as a challenge. The two of you began walking side-by-side as you headed to your home.

   "Pits, yes!" He nodded his helm excitedly. You laughed at his excitement and pat the mech on the back.

   "Alright then. I've got a big day tomorrow, and I cannot be late. So if I am, I'm most definitely blaming you."

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