And Let The Sunlight In My Lap // 2

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"*Cody! Someone's onboard! Where are you guys?!*" Frankie asked through the radio.

"Almost there, Frankie!" The blond boy replied as he stood by his father at the boat's wheel. His older siblings stood at the front, doing their best to see the Phantom through the fog. You and the other Bots stood around the back and sides.

"I still don't see it!" The pilot complained, turning to face the others.

"Relax Dani, it's probably just some freighter," Kade scoffed, with his arms scoffed and brows expression.

"It's probably always just some freighter," Graham added.

"One can only hope," the helicopter muttered worriedly.

   "Who knows?" Chief Burns shrugged as continued guiding the boat through the fog. "Plenty if witnesses claim they've seen the Phantom, but, sometimes people only see why they want to see." Though you admired the many things that came from your human boss' mouth, you wished he didn't have to make you feel so down. Heatwave lowered his body so his helm peeked through the window to see the backs of Cody and his father.

   "So what's this connection to our island you were talking about?" The fire truck asked curiously. The young blond boy turned around excitedly to face his alien friend.

   "Captain Ambrose was supposed to get married to a girl from Griffin Rock!" He answered with a large grin on his face. As if on queue, Dani spun around with her camera pressed to to her chest with her hands. She sighed dreamily as she stared off into space.

   "Lillian waited for him," the pilot informed them, exhaling dramatically, "Every ten years, she would see the ship appear. Just for a few moments." She hugged herself with eyes closed as her mind wandered into La La Land.

   "What a horrible story!" Chase remarked suddenly. Your optics widened and you lightly backhanded his shoulder plating in response.

   "Don't be so insensitive!" You playfully scolded. Turning your helm to face the brunette woman, you sighed dreamily like she had, "That's got to be one of the most romantic things I've ever heard!"

   Chase's faceplates bore a surprised expression as you said so. The action was bold for you, considering how shy you could be at times. It confused him; your easygoing but nervous attitude was in itself a mystery he wouldn't be able to solve. Maybe you simply felt much more comfortable around him as a fellow officer of the law? The mech shook his helm quickly and tuned himself back into the conversation happening around him.

   "-It could disappear any minute!" Frankie warned the rescue crew as the boat came right up the side of the floating lab.

   "That's no freighter!" Graham gasped.

   "Nope," Kade replied, frozen in place.

   "I knew it," Dani whispered to herself proudly, gripping the railing at the hull. Cody and Frankie carried on a short conversation before her father ran up to her side.

   "Chief, there's still an SOS!" Doc Green pointed out urgently. The greying man nodded.

   "Blades, Dani-do a fly over."

   "Okay, seriously?! Can we please get another flying rescue bot?! Y/N's great and all, but she can only do what Chase does!" The orange and white mech complained fearfully, optics wide and voice filled with concern.

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