10- "Honey, I'm hom- wait what?!"

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Buckle yourselves in, this is going to be one long chapter. (2680 words!)

Neville's POV

I woke up to have brilliant blonde hair covering my face. I sat up, glancing down at her before sighing. She was beautiful.

The way her hair spread across the back of the sofa and the way her lips were parted the slightest bit.

She suddenly opened her gorgeous crystal eyes and looked at me.

I felt my cheeks redden as she caught me staring. She proceeded to yawn, and then say,

"Do you want to borrow my Muggle camera? The picture will really last longer."

She laughed as I felt my face burning. Her soft, tinkling laugh filled my ears.

Merlin, Neville! What the hell is happening to you? 'Her soft, tinkling laugh'? Who are you, a fanfiction writer?

I shook myself back into reality to realize Luna had left and went to shower, judging by the sound of running water. I cleaned up the living room and went to the kitchen to clean her dishes with magic.

I heard Luna singing in the shower, but couldn't tell what exactly. My curiousity getting the best of me, I got up and wandered towards her room.

I walked in and I looked around. It expressed her personality a lot, with the walls covered in flower designs and pictures hanging in the few white spaces. I walked towards one picture, one next to her well-made bed, of a younger Luna and a woman that must be her mother. They were hugging and smiling.

I smiled to myself and continued to look around. She had a theme around her bedroom.

Bright blue and gold. The mixture of colors might sound atrocious, but it was beautiful in its own way.

Suddenly, I heard the water stop. Assuming I only had a good 5 minutes until she opened the door, I ran all the way back to the living room, trying to not look flustered.

She came out of her room, dressed in red trousers and a simple white shirt. It was probably the most normal outfit I've seen her wear.

She was tucking her wand into her bag, while saying, "I have to head to the Potters' now, so I'll see you tomorrow?"

I nodded, "Yeah, see you later, say hi to Ginny for me!" I walked towards her, in the motion of hugging goodbye, but she beat me to it and instead pecking my lips.

"Bye," she said while turning on the spot.


I sighed, trying to control my breathing, before apparating home.


Harry's POV

I opened my eyes to see my godson tucked in between me and Gin.

I grabbed my glasses, so I could see more than two blobs. I sat up, careful not to wake my wife or Teddy, but I failed as as soon as I moved an inch, Teddy's big brown eyes blinked open and he scooted closer to me.

I chuckled and ruffled his colourful hair. "Morning Ted," I whispered, careful not to wake Ginny up. "I didn't expect you to sleep with us tonight."

He jumped off the bed and ran. He could be heard screaming, "BUT I DID!", dragging the last word out.

Ah, I sighed internally, he's a handful.

Soon after he decided to wake up the country, Ginny woke up, fluttering her eyes, before yawning.

I Missed You-a Nuna FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now