No Mercy Chapter Three: Things Are Never as Simple as They Seem

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A/N: This chapter is pretty long (over five thousand words!). I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I was having some slight problems trying to figure out the whole reunion between Ash and Stefan. I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter, but hopefully you all like it! And for those of you who have been dying for Klaus to appear, then you are in for a tiny treat towards the end of the chapter!


Lies by Evanescence

But through my tears breaks a blinding light

Birthing a dawn to this endless night

Arms outstretched, awaiting me

An open embrace upon a bleeding tree


Chapter Three: Things Are Never as Simple as They Seem

"Am I in the Twilight Zone or something? Because last time I checked, when someone dies, they don't come back." Ash remarked, a hint of hysteria in her voice as her dark blue eyes remained glued to her brother's face. A voice in the back of her head whispered vampires do.

Caroline's eyes looked back and forth between the two, unsure of what exactly was going on. "Am I missing something?" Elena looked as if she was trying to figure out everything as well because she looked just as lost as Caroline felt.

Damon's eyebrows furrowed as he appeared directly in front of Ash, tilting his head as his eyes roamed her face in confusion. "How is this possible? You're dead."

"So are you. I saw…" She choked on the words, silently cursing herself for her show of weakness as she continued, "I saw Father shoot both of you." Her dark blue eyes were piercing as they looked up at him as if she wasn't willing to let herself believe that Damon was actually alive and in front of her. When you go for so long believing someone is dead, it's more than a little hard to suddenly accept the opposite, even if proof was literally standing right in front of you.

It looked as if Damon was having a hard time believing that Ashlynn was alive as well. "You followed us? We told you to stay inside."

"Since when did I ever listen to you?" She inquired, silently congratulating herself for managing to keep her voice from shaking.

"Am I the only one totally confused here?" Caroline questioned, looking at Elena for some help as if the brunette would have some idea as to what was going on.

Elena simply shook her head, not knowing what to say as pieces of the puzzle slowly began to form together within her head. "Maybe…it would be better to have this conversation in private?" She suggested.

Damon didn't even glance at Elena, his eyes solely on his sister. "Yeah," he said slowly, "that probably would be better." Ash nodded stiffly, her face blank of any emotion whatsoever. Caroline and Elena exchanged a look before walking out the door, planning to meet them at the Salvatore house. Damon started after them before pausing and turning to Ash who hadn't moved at all. "You coming?" He asked quietly, his eyebrows slightly drawn together as if concerned.

That seemed to snap Ash out of the funk she was in and she nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that." She replied as she walked towards him.

Damon looked down at his sister and a hint of a smirk crossed his face as he held out his arm to her in a familiar gesture Ash hadn't seen in over a century. "Ready, milady?"

A small smile crossed Ash's face in remembrance before the smile then turned into a slight smirk as well. "Why of course, good sir." Her brothers weren't dead…well, Damon wasn't at least. She had no clue about Stefan, but the hope was ignited within her that, if Damon had survived and become a vampire, then Stefan had to have as well. He had to have.

No Mercy {Klaus}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora