No Mercy Chapter Four: Times Does Not Heal All Wounds

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Once again, sorry about taking so long to update! I had actually planned to ahve this chapter up about a month ago, just a lot of stuff happened and as a result, I just couldnt get into writing. I've had most of this chapter done for a while, but I was having trouble with the ending part. Funnily enough, I got inspiration for the ending part when I was watching an amv of the anime Soul Eater (An awesome anime by the way xD) more specifically, one of the psychotic and sexy Stein xD (my second favorite character, the first being Death the Kid). Anyway, the amv was to teh song "Unstable" by Chaotica and it was that song that gave me the inspiration for the ending!

Once again, I'm sorry about the late update and I hope you enjoy the new chapter! Oh! And thank you to everyone who commented! I love you all!

Ash: That's not creepy or anything...

Me: Shut up!

(also the picture is of Brittany Robertson which is who I imagine Alexa looking like)


I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance

Well, if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say

I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way

For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took

Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?


Chapter Four: Time Does Not Heal All Wounds

"You are in deep shit, my friend." Alexa remarked into her cell phone as she snapped her fingers at some guy who she had compelled to carry her bags. "Hurry up before I make you my snack." She ordered, smirking because she knows the guy can't respond since she had compelled him to stay silent.

"You don't think I already know that?" The brunette muttered under her breath, clearly not in a satisfactory mood. "Mikael will be here in an hour to go over some plan him and my brothers concocted to kill Klaus and I'm expected to help."

Alexa sighed as she walked past security, her compelled slave following after her dutifully. "You've talked about killing him for years, Ash. This is your chance to make good on all of the tough talk you've been spewing for the past few decades." She knew Ash. Ash hated Klaus with every fiber of her being, and Alexa didn't blame her. However…the Parisian female knew that if Ash did go through with it, it might do more harm than good to the young vampire.

"And I will. It's just…whenever I imagined finally killing him, it was my way, not anyone else's. If Nik-if Klaus is going to die, I want it to be by my hand. Not that bastard Mikael's."

Alexa didn't comment as she took the bags from the compelled human and ordered him to leave and forget everything from the last forty five minutes. Her dark green eyes looked thoughtful, as if she was seriously thinking something over and, as she sat her bags on the black conveyor belt, she finally responded, saying, "You know, even from just over the phone, you can't fool someone who knows you better than you know your own self, phénix."

"Don't call me that." Ash mumbled annoyed. "And I have no clue what you mean by that."

Amusement danced within the cat like eyes of the French vampire. "Of course you don't."

"I can hear the sarcasm in your voice even from here, Al. I know what I'm doing." Ash stressed that last part, though whether it was to reassure Alexa or herself neither knew.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2012 ⏰

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