The Lights

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"Left! No...actually right!...Err...Lets try left again!" The lighting director said behind me, he was helping me adjust one of the back lights since it was one of my first productions working with lighting. I rolled my eyes, he never could make up his mind but oh well.

As long as I'm here, on the catwalk opening night I didn't care. I was a techie, music, lights, the works. I acted to, but I preferred where I could be dozens of feet above the stage and watch from birds eye view. I had learned quickly what color filters you could combine to make different moods and such. It was simply magical how a small angle could change the entire set up of a scene, thats why everything had to be perfect. 

Finally the tech director headed down for a coffee break. The cast started filtering in, no costumes, nothing. Just a group of kids ready to have a great time. Almost all of the cast headed to the back "yard" of the stage and started practicing scenes. Soon I was alone again tinkering with the broken lights with a hammer. 

Suddenly I heard a voice, rehearsing lines from the play. I peeked out between the slats, struggling to see who it was. I eventually gave up and leaned over the railing. I recognized the lines, they were the main character's. But the girl wasn't the senior cheerleader playing her. She was my age, a lot younger. I smiled, she had blond hair with brown and red bits that you could see in the flickering light. Saying she was pretty was the understatement of the century. Her eyes were shining in the stage's floodlights. She was half hiding behind a curtain delievering the lines like a broadway performer. She was better then the senior! I chuckled. She began to walk below me, probably heading back with the others. I leaned further trying to get another glance. I felt myself knock the hammer over the railing with my shoulder and began to grab at the air cursing under my breath. I heard a shriek and a clatter.

"Don't be dead, don't be dead, oh god don't be dead..." I whispered under my breath swinging down the ladder as quickly as I could. I almost passed out in relief, she was fine just a little startled, her head was thrown back and she was staring at the catwalk trying to see the klutz that almost killed her. The hammer had luckily missed her and was by her left foot.  

"Are you alright?" I said still worried. Obviously shaken. 

"I'm fine." She laughed, "That was the most excitment I've had all day!" 

She was even prettier up close. She had a black shirt that hugged her waist and short-shorts. Her hair framed her cute freckled face. I remember everything about thay day perfectly.

"I'm Ryan."


We smiled at eachother for a moment, thats how I met my best friend.  

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