Chapter 3

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"What do you think this is about?" Emily whispered.

"I have no idea..." I said just as confused as she was. Dez had told Trace, the twins and I to meet her backstage before rehearsal. She wasn't here yet...I just hoped she'd get here soon before I strangled Trace...Erg...

Finally Dez walked in through the curtain on the side stage. "Hey guys!" We all smiled and said hi. She bit her lip, "I have a bit of news..." She paused dramatically.

"I made it into "Songs of Summer"!"

The twins squealed and ran up to hug her. When she finally peeled them off Trace came and hugged her closer then I would've liked. "Congrats." I said forcing a smile. I was happy for her...Really! It was just...Trace...

"Songs of Summer" was a huge festival down by the beach. People came from all over the state to eat, swim, and listen to some of the most famous performances from local theaters. It was rare that anyone under 25 made it in, we all tried out anyway. Dez had a great voice but...She knew how to work an audience. She was more then the other singers, she was a performer. Thats what made her get in I'm sure. If anyone deserved this, it was Dez.

"I'm really nervous...All the kids from school will be there..." She said a little quieter. Dez never had stage fright, not where we performed. Then again, she didn't have the best relationship with her classmates and it had to be terrifying for her.

"You'll do fine." Trace said comfortingly patting her on the back. I cringed, I hated how jealous I got so quickly. It wasn't liked I owned her, he's known her longer and is probably closer. I still didn't like how he acted though, he was too out there.

Jealousy, terrible word. I didn't know how to put it though. Besides that, jealousy, I mean. I knew I couldn't even consider bringing it up right now, or any time in the next month or so. She had too much to worry about, good things shouldn't be spoiled. 

I don't know why I liked her so much, besides the obvious. I didn't normally fall for girls quickly, or at all really. I tried to convince myself for months that it was just a silly crush or something perposterous like that. No luck of course, I always cared about her just as much.

"You coming?" She called from the stairs,

"Yea..." I said trying not to space out, i had so much I wanted to think through. Another time, not now. Just get through tonight, I kept telling myself. After Dezzy's performance, then you can go tell her all you want. At least, I hoped that it would work out that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2013 ⏰

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