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"You are failing."

"I am a failure. What did you expect of me?" I retorted.

It was no surprise that I was failing chemistry. I still wondered how I scraped by in this crappy school with my below average grades.

I rolled my eyes and looked away, too used to these after-school discussions with my chem professor. His annoying voice rambled on and on and on for hours everyday, like a broken record that you cannot turn off no matter how hard you try.

That same voice spoke again, making me flinch. "I value you as my student," yeah right. "So I have prepared a little something to help boost your grades."

"What? More homework?" Do you want me to drown in chemistry homework?! It's not like I have no other subjects to study for anyways!

The teacher sighed at my comment. "No...not exactly." He huffed out and pointed at the classroom door. "He's waiting for you outside."


"Your tutor," the old man stood up and strode to the door, leaving me standing baffled at his desk.

"I know I'm failing this dumb class," I ran after him, tripping over a random book on the floor. I laid there on the floor like a dead starfish. "But I don't need a damn tutor to teach me what I already know!"

I heard the door open and the professors retreating footsteps.

"Jin, please close the door after you!" That grandpa is getting away!

I huffed and looked up, ready to glare down my so-called tutor with my laser stare that I saved especially for annoying people.


It's him.

Out of everyone in this damn forsaken school, it just had to be this guy! I swear my heart just skipped a beat, but I'll pretend that never happened because I'm not some love-struck schoolgirl.

And what's worse, is that our first encounter, that I had envisioned so many times previously during chemistry class when I was supposed to be studying, is so terrifyingly embarrassing, I'm sure he wouldn't even want to tutor me anymore. I needed to play it off somehow.

"You're... (y/n)...?" His voice was regular, but my stupid brain made it seem like a beautiful symphony of an angel calling from heaven.

From my pathetic position on the germ-ridden, dirty ass floor, I hopelessly stared up at his exaggeratedly angelic face wondering how on earth I ended up like this.

"I-I'm Seokjin...I'm your new tutor..." he looked uncomfortable. I mean, I would too, if I first met my new student as she was kissing the floor. "Would- would you like a hand?"

"Y-your my new tutor?" What?! Excuse me! Unacceptable. No! Just no! Unacceptable! I stood up hurriedly and shook my head. "Ew no no no! Go away I don't need you!"

I stormed past him, about to make my exit which probably deserved the award for 'most dramatic exit'. If only my damn backpack wasn't in the way of my clumsy feet, I probably wouldn't have ended up with the massive bruise on my forehead from head-butting the wall.

"Are you okay?!" Because of that annoyingly attractive good-hearted nature, he rushed immediately to my aid. "Are you hurt? Do you want to go to the nurse's-"

"Shaddup! This is your fault anyways," I grumbled as I sat up on the floor, clutching my head.

I stood corrected, I am not a failure. I am an absolute disaster. I am about as disastrous as a class six earthquake that triggered a volcanic eruption.

"Do you have your books?"


"Then let's head to the library."


"Are you sure you're okay?"


Embarrassment. Permanent embarrassment.

I stood up, not having a choice anyway. Carefully making my way to the door, I started to begin the long journey to the library.

Exactly thirty-two seconds later, I plopped down into an empty seat. Who was I kidding. The whole place was as deserted as a... desert.

But what puzzled me as I unpacked my books, was that I failed to notice that the love of my life, Seokjin, was not following after me.

Oh no! I lost him! Maybe he backed out after he saw me laying on the floor like a fat elephant.

No need to make such a big deal out of this. I can do it myself. With a determined look on my face, I started opening up my books. That's when I realised that when I see more than ten sentences on one page, I couldn't do it.

All those words... and th- those equations! It's overwhelming! My brain... it just shuts down! I absolutely positively cannot do it! Never!

"This is the reason why I'm failing! I'm such a failure!" I threw my pencil case at the wall. "Oops I said that a little too loud."

"And you threw that a little too hard," Jin looked at me with a perplexed look on his face, rubbing his chest where I probably aimed my pencil case missile at.

"Oh." I should've apologised, but I was trying to be a badass, tomboy girl to impress this guy, so he had to live with it.

"Not gonna apologise?" Nope. "Then let's get started."

I shuffled away from him as he casually seated himself next to me. "Where did you go just now?"

Aw man he's too close! Is it just me, or did it just get stuffy in here?!

"Oh right!" He smiled cutely at me, and I pretended to be very interested in my extremely blunt, Faber-Castell 3b pencil... what shade was that red? Burgundy?

"I got you an ice pack from the nurse's office," he smiled again at me. Bro, I get it, you have a lovely smile! But just stop trying to make me blind already, you annoying prick!

"For me? It's not like I'm dying or anything..."

"Your face is really red..."

"...where is this ice pack? Do you even plan on giving it to me?" Me? Blushing? Don't be incompetent.



"Give it to me, you ping pong!"

We spent another two hours bickering in that library. It was hard to believe we... got along... so well with each other, but truth be told, I was just happy being near him.

And don't get me wrong, he was an excellent teacher! But I still learnt absolutely nothing at all.

Because of that oblivious, annoying, undeniably super-duper attractive male whom I had stalkerish-ly watched all those years...

My heart was beating way too fast for me to concentrate on anything other than him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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