A Tradition (Continued)

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This is short but hey it's something!
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"So how do you think your parents would react if we told them about us?" Asked Melody. The girls were all sat on the other side of the bedroom where the twins had a couch and a fluffy rug. Since they have to share a room they got the big one and wasted no time decking it out to make it the ultimate hang out spot.

"Who wants popcorn!" Yelled Gianna as she went over to the microwave that for some reason, the girls' parents got them for Christmas for their room.

"Okay that's a little excessive this isn't some rich valley girl teen movie where the nerd girl gets the jock guy," said Emilia "because they usually don't include lesbians," she finished with a snort which led all the girls to burst into a fit of laughter.

"Alright WE are not lesbians I AM A LESBIAN! She's just kinda gay," responded Venus with sarcasm laced in her tone. The other girls roared again then settled into their previous conversation.

"I'm serious babe," said Melody.

"Did you just call me babe?" responded Venus in a hushed voice.

"Not the point Venus!"

"Alright alright, and I don't know. I think they would be good about this, well at least my mom would be fine with it. What about your parents?"

"Well you see that could be an issue," Melody said while staring at the ground.

"We will be alright Mel I promise," Venus then gently took Melody's hand "the only thing that matters is us the rest of the world doesn't as long as you are happy and I am happy we can make it through this".

"You're right and I am happy so if my parents don't like it then uh, frick them!"

"Aw how cute kindergarten curses are so adorable."

"I can't win today can I."

"You already scored the ultimate goal!" Venus then used both her thumbs to gesture to herself.

"Oh shut up," Melody rolled her eyes.

"Make me,"

"If this is an invitation to kiss you in some super cliche fashion I will have to pass. We are already cliche enough for one night."

"Fine. But can we still kiss anyway?" said Venus hopefully.

"You're lucky you are very good at puppy dog eyes."

With that they both kissed, which proved Venus' point. To them, they are truly all that matters once happiness is achieved. And boy oh boy was kissing happy.

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This is just a little clip of hopefully what is to come of these two! Hope you enjoyed!

Lexi 💖

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